Chapter Sixteen

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Within minutes Sherlock was tied to a chair next to John

"Believe it or not, I'm here to save you"

Sherlock saw the corner of John's lip twitch

"Stop talking, now answer carefully Sherlock, is anybody else here?"

"Nope, Mycroft drove me here, then I made him leave"

"What about that stupid police man?"

"Greg?" Sherlock asked smiling slightly

"Yes, him"

"Gone, probably with Mycroft, but who knows"

In moments Moriarty was pinned down and Mycroft was in front of Moran with him disarmed and a gun pointed at his head

"For a consulting criminal I expected better of you" Sherlock smiled

"How'd they know to attack?" Was all Moriarty asked

"Simple, Greg, I never know his name, it's our code word"

Moriarty smiled

"Why are you smiling?"

"You really think we didn't expect you to have backup?"

With those words Moran kicked Mycroft in the shins causing him to fall and with the next kicked aimed the head, he out cold, by the Moriarty had managed to knock Greg out with his own gun being slammed on his skull.

"I won't kill these two, but you two, that's another story" Moriarty grinned evilly

"Kill one, let one live without the other" Moran argued

"If you think it will work"

"I do, kill Sherlock, he's the clever one"

"Really?" John spoke for the first time in a while

All three stared at him

"See Sherlock hasn't a attempted to escape, where me on the other hand..."

John stood up and within seconds had Moriarty disarmed, Sherlock groaned

"It's like a game of bloody pass the parcel"

John smiled

"I'm trying to save you here, be happy you're not dead"

The lights went black

"Don't plan ahead Johnny boy" was all Moran said


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