Chapter Ten

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The two men walked to Scotland Yard, neither wanted to get a taxi, both wanted to figure out their next steps. Sherlock who would much rather be in his mind palace had no choice, he tried to figure out which least irrating officers he would have to ask to help him, not that any of them liked him, but they liked John, right? Well most of them Sally didn't and neither did the Super Intendent, but then again John did chin him.


Greg shouted for the fifth time finally getting him to answer

"What?" Sherlock said irritably

"Stop worrying"

"How can I stop, the man I hate has taken the man I about"

"Sherlock do you love John or not you never really gave me a proper answer"

"Does it matter Lestrade? If we don't find him I might as well be dead"

"We'll find him don't worry, right we're here c'mon"

Greg pulled him into the building, and people stopped and stared, some whispered

"Oh great the freaks back"

"Shut up Donovon" Sherlock whispered

"Touchy touchy, where's your little friend John? Oh I forgot he hates you"

Sherlock wanted to hit her

"He's gone"

"Gone where?"

"Moriarty has taken him, I don't know where all I know is I have a week to find him or he dies"

"I'm sorry Sherlock, can I help?"

Sherlock gave a curt nod

"I suppose you can actually, now we need to get to Mycroft, we have one week"

Donovon looked confused

"Why now? Why after three nearly four years has Moriarty taken him now?"

Sherlock nearly slapped himself

"The sniper, I forgot, when John was about to commit suicide I returned, but there was still a sniper remaining, he would've told Moriarty and Moriarty has been planning since and now he's got his chance"

"Sniper?" Greg looked at him

"Three of them pointed at you, Mrs Hudson and John, I jump or you die, so I jumped"

"Well thanks for saving my life, now let's save John"

They left and Sally followed behind the jumped into a taxi and went straight to Mycroft.

They entered a room which was silent, the second Mycroft saw them he jumped up and dragged them out

"Brother what are you doing?"

"Brother as much as I hate this, I need your help"

"With what?"

Sherlock looked shocked

"You see everything but not this"

"What is it?"

"John, he's been taken by Moriarty, the sniper must have told him, I've been given a week to find him, or he gets killed"

"Them let's move"

Sherlock looked surprised,

"You're willing to help?"

"Yes brother, because believe it or not Dr Watson makes you a better man, and you need him"

"That I do"

As the four of them left the building all four received a text saying the same thing

So here we go, let the chase begin, this our game

someone must lose and someone must win, I

don't like losing, so find John, or he loses and so

do you lot, here's your clue, where did you meet?

But who did he meet first, was it Sherlock? Maybe

not, was it Sally? No of course not, so was it Mycroft

Or Greg, make a pick and save the life



I know it's short but I'll update soon

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