Chapter Nine

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Greg Lestrade ran, he ran as fast as he could to St. Bart's, he looked up to see the figure on the rooftop, so he knew he wasn't late he got into the building and into the lift and hit the rooftop button, worry filled him more and more every second at the Chance Sherlock had jumped, the lift pulled to stop and Greg ran out he saw Sherlock on the edge with his arms spread so Greg ran towards him and grabbed the back off his coat and pulled him back

"What the hell Sherlock? Really is this your answer to the solution?" He shouted

"Yes, that's why I'm doing it, I can't live anymore seriously"

Greg looked over the younger man, his hair which usually fell everywhere was flat, his normally tight shirt was hanging off him, but Greg noticed something more important

"Have you relapsed Sherlock?"

"I don't see how that's any of you business"

"Because I'm your friend and I can see you have Sherlock"

"I made me feel, I wanted to feel"

"Oh Sherlock, but right now I need your help"

"I don't want to Lestrade"

Sherlock's phone interrupted them, it started to play a song he hadn't heard in years

'Ah ah stayin' alive, stayin' alive'

His jaw dropped and he pulled out his phone, he had two texts one of John and another off a blocked number, he clicked on the one off the blocked number and read it out loud

"Dear me Mr Holmes, what have you got to say for yourself? Leaving your friends to grieve, then returning to them oh so suddenly, oh how stupid, now you've let them down as you pushed them away, but here's something else, the only person you love will now die, you have one week, find him or he dies. Jim Moriarty. Great so he's back that's all I need, and he's got John"

Tears fell down his face and Greg smiled ever so slightly

"So then you love John?"

"I guess in a way I always had" Sherlock smiled and remembered he had got a text, so he pulled out his phone and clicked on it

Please Sherlock, it doesn't have to end this was,

I can't and never will forget you, just don't do it

I can't lose you again, you mean everything to me,

Please Sherlock

I Love You

- JW

John must have sent this just before he was taken

"You okay Sherlock?"

Sherlock showed Greg the text and he smiled

"Then let's go find him, but we're gonna need some help"

"Who off?" Sherlock asked curiously

"You're not gonna like it"

"Just tell me Graham"

"It's Greg and like it or not, we're gonna need help from Scotland Yard, even possibly your brother"

Sherlock didn't even groan "Whatever it takes to save John"


So slightly shorter than the rest but I have the ending planned and I'm trying my best to update often.

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