Chapter Eighteen

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"John" was all Greg whispered

Sherlock pulled himself from his chair

"No, you are not dying on me, not today John"

"Sherlock, please" John's eyes began to water "help me"

Sherlock felt the tears rise

"What do I do John?"

"Put pressure on the wound"

Sherlock pressed his hands to John's chest

"Keep me awak, okay?"


"Talk to me you idiot"

"An ambulance is on their way, they said they're about five minutes away, luckily Myc called ahead"

Mycroft groaned

"It's Mycroft"

John couldn't help but smile

"What do I talk about John?"

"What helps you calm down, Sherlock? Anything please"

Sherlock glance at Mycroft

"I used to have this dog, before I blocked my emotions away, I named him Redbeard"

"After Blackbeard, because you wanted to be a pirate" John whispered

"Yeah, I was a strange child, I'm still strange now, but Redbeard was joy only friend, I took him everywhere, I used to talk to him in the middle of the street, I didn't care what people would say"

John smiled

"I'm sorry John, this is my fault"

"No Sherlock, it's not your fault"

John's eyes began to close

"C'mon John, stay awake for me"

John looked Sherlock in the eyes

"Did I ever tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"I love you" John whispered as he slipped unconscious

"C'mon John, survive this, I promise I'll treat you properly, I'll care for you, I promise"

Paramedics ran into the building and pulled the crying Sherlock off John,

"Get him to hospital, now, we might lose him" one paramedic shouted to another

Mycroft walked up behind Sherlock

"C'mon, I'll take you to the hospital, he'll be okay"

"Can you promise?" Sherlock asked

"No, I'm sorry Sherlock"

Sherlock nodded and walked out the building.


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