Chapter Fifteen

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Mycroft pulled up in front of a warehouse, it looked years old and was worn down, outside was two cars, both were known to be stolen.


Mycroft place a hand on Sherlock's shoulder and slightly shook him, he opened his eyes slowly.

"We've arrived Sherlock, we have ten minutes to find them"

Sherlock jumped out the car and turned to Greg.


"Sherlock I am not giving you a gun"

"Lestrade, I am not risking John's safety over the stupidity of you not trusting me with a gun"

Greg reached back and pulled out three guns

"Lucky I bought spares then"

He handed one to Mycroft and Sherlock

"Let's go get John back"

All three walked forward and silently walked into the building, above them the could hear talking, Sherlock motioned for the other to stop walking and listen

"They've got minutes" one voice laughed

"Can I kill him? If they're late, that is"

"Sure, I can't see the car, go tell Johnny boy, tell him his friends have deserted him in his time of need"

They heard footsteps cross into another room before moving forward.

"Mycroft, Lestrade, kill them, save John and if it means killing them, kill them"

Greg and Mycroft nodded I'm union before walking up the stairs.

"So Johnny boy, looks like you're gonna die" Moran whispered next to his face

"Any last words?"

"How about, I hope you rot in hell?"

"Don't worry I'm going there, but you're going first"

He raised a gun to John's head

"I don't think that's wise, considering I'm not late that is"

Sherlock walked into the room, Moran turned and stared at him

"Who's with you?"

"Nobody, I wasn't risking anymore lives than necessary"

Moran glared at him

"You think I believe that bullshit?"

"Yes, I do actually"

Moran didn't speak, just stared

"Do you think I would risk my brother or a friends life?"

"Brother? since when have you cared about him?" Moran asked

"Since he helped me, he told me where you were binding John, helped me keep calm"

Sherlock pointed his gun at Moran

"Step away from John and I may let you live" Sherlock paused "Or not"

Moran smiled, John looked scared as a silent figure walked up behind Sherlock and place a gun to Sherlock's head

"You kill Seb, you and John die" whispered Moriarty in his ear.


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