Chapter Thirteen

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AN: next few chapters might be shorter than usual


Hmm... you're taking your time, how about this? Ten hours, get here or he dies


"Sherlock it's gonna take at least another twelve hours" Mycroft said sadly

"Well here's the problem, we don't have twelve, use the shortcuts there's plenty of them.


"Three hours to go Johnny boy, is he even coming? You did tell him to forget about you"

John swallowed and ignored him

"It's only fair, he took Seb away from me, now I'll take you away from him"

"How is that fair, Sebastian didn't die, he was in prison, if you kill me it's not the same"

"Oh it will hurt him, that's good enough for me"

"Oh you sadistic little bastard"

Sebastian who was standing behind John at that moment stepped forward and slapped him

"Don't speak to him like that, I can easily kill you now, I'll just tell little Sherlock that he wasn't quick enough"

"Oh got something for little Jimmy have you?" John smirked

"Really Watson? We can kill you right now and you're making jokes"

"It's what I do best"

Moriarty glared at him silently

"Even if I had something for Jim, you've got something for that pointless, worthless and idiotic Holmes"

John felt the anger rise in him

"He is not pointless or worthless, he is worth more than ten of you and he isn't idiotic, never has been, never will be, so shut up"

"Touched a nerve have I?" Moran grinned

"You two are bastards"

"It's what we're best at"

With that Moran stepped forward and re-gagged John so not a sound could be made.

John slipped in and out of consciousness for the nest several hours, until a hand connected with his cheek waking him fully

"One hour, Johnny boy"

Moran whispered his face close

"If he doesn't come, you die, what a shame"

Moran and Moriarty left the room smirking.

To Lose A Loved One (Johnlock)Where stories live. Discover now