Chapter Twelve

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"Johnny boy, wake up" a giggling Irish voice asks

"Piss off" a voice full of pain speaks up

"Now that's not nice"

"I'm not a very nice person"

"Clearly" he smirks

"I wonder if Sherlock is actually going to help you? Hmm do you think he will?"

"How am I meant to know?"

"Isn't he your friend? Oh no wait, you hate him"

"No I hate you"

"But little Sherlock jumped off a building for you, yet you hate him"

"You made him you arsehole"

"Don't be mean, John"

"Stop being a twat"

"I maybe a twat but I can kill you, and I will"

"Do it then, what can be worse than this?"


John dropped his head, Moriarty had told John his plan as soon as John had woken

"I'll die, before I let you do that"

"That's kinda the plan, god you really are an idiot aren't you?"

John stayed silent

"Hmm I'm sure Mycroft has told Sherlock where we are, but what happens if they don't show soon? do you know John?"

"Wild guess, you kill me?"

"Very good, you're learning"

The hours ticked by and John could still feel the pain from the wounds Moriarty had inflicted upon him

"Why?" John whispered

"What?" Moriarty snapped

"Why kidnap me? that's what I don't understand, why do to have to take me to get to Sherlock?"

"You really don't get it do you?"

John shook his head

"I have a friend, he's been watching you and Sherlock, for a while now, but the best part is this, everybody has a pressure point or two, Mycroft's pressure points are his brother and his newest friend, then there's Sherlock, his brother takes care of himself, but you, you're a different story, you are his pressure point, why? Because the idiot loves you, so if I kill you, he'll be angry"

"And that's it isn't it? You just want to piss Sherlock off?"

"No I want Sherlock to feel the pain he caused me"

"Sherlock killed somebody you loved?"

"Not quite, he destroyed them, he turned him into the police, and now for the past nine years I've had to live without him, all because Sherlock wanted to be clever"

"Who is it?"

"Ever heard the name Sebastian Moran?"

"He was in the news, didn't he commit mass murders?"

"Yep, and now John meet your new friend, SEB!"

A tall blonde man walked in smirking

"Hello John Watson"

"If you committed mass murder, how did you get out in nine years?" John asked

Moriarty smirked

"I have my ways"

Silence filled the room

"I'll leave him with you then Seb"

Moriarty left the room with a smirk

"Hmm I was told not to kill you, but I can hurt you"

That evening passed with Moran pushing John to the brink of death, but not allowing him to die, by that night John had gained severe burns and cuts.


Sherlock was woken up when his phone went off, he groaned and pulled out his phone

So Sherlock, you remember Seb?


Attached was a photo of Sebastian holding a knife to John's neck

Sherlock jumped up

"Step on it Mycroft"

"I'm going as fast as I can"

"Break the limits, you're the British government and we have a police officer here"

"Sherlock it's fine, we have a few days"

"Mycroft you don't understand"

"What's happened?"

"Sebastian Moran is out, and he's with Moriarty and John"

Mycroft's face paled as he sped up and drove as fast as he could

"Who's this Moran person?" Lestrade asked

"Somebody worse than Moriarty, a lot worse"

"How much worse?"

"Somebody who wants caught for mass murder, or attempted murder of Mycroft, until I was bought in to help"

Lestrade paled

"He's got John?"

"Apparently so an if he has it his way, which Moriarty usually goes his way, we haven't got days, we've got hours"


AN: had to bring Moran into it

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