Chapter Eight

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John's phone buzzed later that day after he'd text Sherlock goodbye, he'd ignored the diary completely he didn't have time for nonsense, he pulled out his phone believing it was Greg, Molly or even Mrs Hudson but he was wrong, it was Sherlock, he groaned but opened the text anyway

Day one: just one more miracle, don't be dead
I heard you
Day seven hundred and thirty you're final visit
after two years, I. Heard. You.
You were my only friend, you helped me and this
won't bother you like it did before but,
I'm sorry,
Read the diary, the final page
- SH

'He heard me? Oh the bastard'
'Maybe he feels the same, no he wouldn't it Sherlock'
He kept reading
'...this won't bother you like it did before but, I'm sorry'
"Shit, shit, shit"
John ran across the room and grabbed his coat from the closet, there's only one place Sherlock would go, he pulled the coat out and as he did he heard a thud, the diary had fallen from the closet, he picked it up gently and flicked to the last page, nothing usual except.... He noticed what looked like two pages stuck together, so he peeled it apart as gently as he could and read the cursive writing of Sherlock Holmes

Dear John,
If you're reading this it means I've told you to, and if I've told you to them my end must be near, so whether I've done it or I'm about to, I'm sorry, I'm sorry John Watson, I wrote this just before I posted the diary to you, because I knew you wouldn't speak to me and I can't live without John, I always said love was a human error, but I guess I've always been one big error, haven't I? I hid feelings as I was always told caring wasn't an advantage, but whatever happens John even if I'm dead, or alive remember I Love You, I always have, from day one, so goodbye John Hamish Watson, and remember I loved you yesterday, I love you today, and I'll love you tomorrow and forever.
Forever and always
William Sherlock Scott Holmes

A smile was speed wide on Johns face but then he remembered that he had to leave he ran from his bedroom and ran straight into Mary
"John what's wrong?" She sounded concerned
"I'm sorry Mary, I love you and I always..."
"Then go to him John, I know you love him, you always will, he needs you, you only needed me while you didn't have him"
"I'm so sorry Mary"
"I'm not, now go"

John ran from the building hailing a cab, one for the first time ever pulled up straight away, he brushed any feeling of suspicion and jumped in, he pulled out his phone and text Sherlock

Please Sherlock, it doesn't have to end this was,
I can't and never will forget you, just don't do it
I can't lose you again, you mean everything to me,
Please Sherlock
I Love You
- JW

The tears fell so much John never noticed the taxi take three wrong turns heading somewhere unknown, he didn't realise that something was going on until the driver leaned back with a rag and covered his nose and mouth

"Time to play Johnny boy" whispered and soft Irish voice

John blacked out sinking in his seat, the driver pulled out his phone and sent a text

Lestrade I have a friend of yours, now stop Sherlock, or
he dies, so here's the warning, Sherlock dies, John dies,
How simple? So Detective Inspector can you save their lives,
or will both die today? If Sherlock survives I will give you
one week, one week to find John and save his life, if not?
He's dead
-Jim Moriarty

Jim smiled and drove froward continuing for five miles before typing out another text and sending it before throwing the phone away and carrying on.

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