Chapter Seventeen

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"Sherlock?" John asked, his voice filled with panic

"John, calm down, I won't let them hurt you"

Sherlock felt himself being cut loose

"Careful" Greg whispered in his ear "I don't know where they are"

Sherlock nodded although it was likely Greg didn't know

"John where are you? Walk towards my voice"

"Actually, one more step and you die, simple as" Moran's voice echoed throughout the room

"It's pitch black, how you gonna aim to hit us?" John questioned

"Simple, I've got quite a few bullets here, so has Jim, we shoot around, odds are we'll hit at least one of you" Moran answered

"You really want us dead don't you?" Sherlock asked

"I can't tell you how much, I want you dead so much, you've made my life living hell"

"As you've made mine, you think I wanted to jump off that building? You think I wanted to leave my life behind? To give up the only family I had, that broke me, to give up my friends and the only people I love" Sherlock at this point was tearing up

"You think I care? Sherlock, somebody died on that rooftop, my brother, he wouldn't let me die, he took my place, my brother is dead, you put Seb in jail, for nothing"

"You're both physcopaths"

"Took you long enough to realise, take aim, Seb"

"Of course" a smiled on his face

"Shoot three, any three"

"Okay, take first shot, Jim"

Moriarty raised his gun and aimed blindly, his bullet hit something solid, then from the opposite side of the room two more bullets were shot, hitting Moriarty and Moran in the hearts, they fell, dead, next to each other.

Greg ran forward fumbled for the light switch hitting it, he turned to see a figure lying on the floor, blood pooling, a name formed on his lips



AN: story is nearly over

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