Chapter Eleven

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"I didn't know him till you bought him along" Greg whispered
Sherlock looked at Mycroft, he nodded
"You knew him?" Sherlock whispered
"We met once, he got offered a job at the secret services, he said no, obviously" Mycroft explained
"And you didn't tell me?"
"Sherlock I'm sorry, I didn't even know it was the same man till recently"
"Where did you meet?"
"In the middle of nowhere, an abandoned warehouse, we had to keep it secret"
"Do you remember how to get there?"
Mycroft nodded
"Then take us there"
They all get in the the car, Mycroft drives for hours on end,
"It had to be somewhere nobody could accidentally find"
Sherlock nodded his head
"We will find him Sherlock"
He nodded again
"Sherlock why would Moriarty come back now? And why take John and not you?"
"He came back because he was bored and he knows I'll be effected if John is taken"
"How effected?" Greg asked
"What do you mean?"
"Well he wouldn't do this unless it would have a bad outcome"
"Right now? The outcome will not be good, and I swear on my life, somebody will die in there and if it's John, then make that three, because if Moriarty kills John I will kill him, then I'll die, maybe not physically, but without John my life is pointless, you saw the lengths I was willing to go"
"Do you love him then?"
Sherlock stopped for a moment
"In all honesty?"
Greg nodded
"I don't know, all I know is that John change me, also that I can't live without him, I'd do anything for him, but if I had to define love, then yes I'd say I am, although growing up I was taught that caring wasn't an advantage"
"And wasn't I a fool to say that?" Mycroft smiled slightly
"Aren't you always a fool brother?"
"Don't push it Sherlock"
"How long do you think it will take?"
"I sorry Sherlock, it's gonna take a while"
Sherlock lay back and slipped into his mind palace, soon he fell asleep, his dreams full of John.


Okay filler. Next chapter is gonna be John and Moriarty.

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