Chapter Fourteen

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AN: Filler, also this story will end at about chapter 20



"Sherlock please calm down"

"Mycroft do you not understand? I can't calm down, if they kill John it's my fault, I won't live without him, it was bad enough surviving this long without him"

"Sherlock, your brother is right, you need to calm down, we'll be there soon" Lestrade interrupted

"Please, please, go quicker, I can't lose him, not again"

Mycroft stared at his brother, shocked, not once has Sherlock ever said please to Mycroft or sounded so upset while speaking to him, he had never seen Sherlock care about someone so much, but now when he looked at him he could see him on the verge of tears, losing it slowly bit by bit.

"I promise you now Sherlock, John will not die, nobody, not today, unless I have the chance to kill Moran and Moriarty then I will, but you, or John or Greg will die, I promise you, with everything I have"

It was Sherlock's turn to be shocked, never had Mycroft really been a brother, but slowly he was changing, bit by bit, Sherlock couldn't help it as a tear slid down his cheek.

"Thank you, Mycroft"

Greg stared at the pair, he had never seen such politeness shared between them

"Find something to calm yourself down, Sherlock"

"Like what, Mycroft? There's nothing to calm me"

"Redbeard" whispered Mycroft

"How the hell is that supposed to help?"

"The good times, just remember"

Slowly Sherlock retreated into his mind palace, the memory of a large red dog there.

"Who's Redbeard?" Whispered Greg

"The first and last thing Sherlock loved" Mycroft stated

"What was it?"

"His dog"

Greg smiled


"Yeah, Sherlock always wanted to be a pirate, so when our parents got him this dog, he looked at the red coat and named it after his favourite pirate Blackbeard, but due to the colour he changed the name to red not black"

Greg smiled

"Everyday, information of your brother surprises me"

Mycroft smiled at Greg warmly

"Surprises me to"

"Hey, Myc?"

"My names Mycroft, but yes Grogory?"

"Sure, after this, would you like to have dinner, with me?" Greg asked nervously

"If we survive this? I'd love to"


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