Chapter 8

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Nicki P.O.V

"Ok class settle down" my 2nd hour teacher said. Yet again I was at this shitty ass school, sitting on this shitty ass seat, and faking like I was doing this shitty ass work.

"Onika come to my desk please" my teacher said. You see I get in trouble for anything. I do my work I get in trouble, I sit by myself it's a problem, if I'm loud as hell its an even bigger problem. I'm just sitting here being black and even that's a problem. I got up and went to him.

"Ms.Onika You have been assigned to another class in replacement of my class" I sighed. They always do this shit. Each teacher complains and I get sent to another class. I took he schedule and went to go sit back down since the paper said I don't start till next week. I just sat on my phone texting my best friend. When the bell rung I transitioned to my next. Which was music which I actually find some sort of interest in. Even though I've only been here since yesterday it seemed like a chill class. I sat in the back so I could have been closer to the equipment.

"Ok class today we'll be working with partners so at this moment please pick your partner" Ms.Dixson our music teacher said. I just sat down looking around knowing that no one really fuck with me. This short girl brown skin girl with long jet black hair came and stood in front of me.

"Hi I don't got no one to work with so I was wandering if you wanted to work with me" She said. She had a bit of a accent a New York accent actually. I liked how she was straight forward to he point. Just maybe we'll be friends but that's if she doesn't piss me off.

"Yeah sure...I'm Nicki by the way" she smiled and sat by me.

"I'm Candice but you gotta call me Candi" I raised an eyebrow.


"Yup" she popped the p.  I just smiled not feeling to snap at anyone today.

"Ms.Maraj can you come to my desk please" Ms. Dickson said. I huffed banging my head on the desk. I got out my seat and went to her.

"Hi ms.Maraj glad to see that you were able to make it to my class this week" she said smiling looking down at a piece of paper. I was assigned to her class last week but I skipped her days thinking that she was a lame ass teacher.

"Yes ms.Dixson" I said a little annoyed.

"Any whoo...we have an upcoming event at Cornell University and this event involves dancing and singing...there is a grand prize of $500. Performances will be before their football game and the results will be read after the football game. So what I'm saying is that you should join. I spoke to your mother and she said your an amazing dancer and singer" she handed me the flyer and I looked at it. I've always wanted to dance that's the main reason I did Cheer but after my parents died those dreams were automatically shut down.

"Yeah I'll think about it" I waited till she dismissed me so I could go back to my seat.

"Ok but think long and hard I honestly think it's something that you would rock in" she said and I smiled. She gestured for me to go back to my seat. I sat back next to the Candi girl. She was arguing with the three Boys behind us.

"You done suck their dicks why can't you suck mines" I heard one of the guys say I looked back at them and at Candi her eyes were glossy red.

"Yeah you little whore since you wanna sleep with everyone do my mans a favor" the other on said glaring at her. The guy from before took a wad of money out and threw it at her. I frowned and Candi ran out the door crying. But I just sat back in my seat not wanting to get in people's business. It's not like she was my best friend or anything.

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