Chapter 11

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Later that night

"Nicki you got to get up the Chasers ready to go" Marie said tapping me to get off of her.

"Whyyyy I wannna dance!" I slurred dancing on her lap. Someone snatched me up. I looked up to see Chino. I did a giggly smile and he frowned up his face.

"How many drinks she had" he asked. I put my fingers up and counted them but lost track and restarted but then lost track again. So I just shrugged smiling.

"I don't know" I hiccuped. He held my hand in a brotherly way helping me to walk. I kept hiccuping and falling so he just carried me bridal style.

"Off toooo my palace you peasant" I said giggly. We walked to the cars and Chino put me down.

"My shoes hurrtttt" I whined waiting for them to open the car.

"Ard Nic coming with me" I heard Chino say.

"Noooo Meek don't let him...he's the evil witch" I said running to Meek but falling right in his arms when I got there. Meek lowly chuckled. I looked at him as my legs leaned back and his arm wrapped around my waist for support.

"You have big lips" I said playing with them with my finger.

"Come on Nic lets go I ain't bringing you back to Karen house so she could cuss my ass out come on..." I pouted.

"No-ooo I said I want to go with Meek...soooo I go with him not you" I pointed at Meek then him.

"Just let her I got her" Meek said lowly. He just shrugged and the ones that went with Omelly got in his car the ones that went with Meek we got in his. I got in the front seat resting my head rubbing my stomach. Meek got in the driver side and started he car. Waiting till Omelly pulled off we finally pulled off. I got bored and started touching Meek's cheek. Meek opened his mouth and my finger went in his cheek.

"Ahhh your cheek ate my finger" I said giggly. I took it out and he glared at me while focusing on the road. I grazed my thumb over his growing beard. For some reason it felt satisfying as the ticklish sensation brushed against my epidermis.

"Stop Nic" he said. I pouted.

"Why it's fun" he stayed quiet and I continued till I felt my stomach turning. I put my hand over my mouth and Meek looked at me.

"What you gotta throw up?" I nodded and he hit the wheel mumbling something. We pulled over and Meek got out walking into my side. I felt the taste coming up into my mouth. Meek open my door but before he got out the way I threw up all over his jeans.

"Yo what the FUCK!" He yelled making me jump. I looked at him scared.

"S-S-Sorry I didn't mean it" I stuttered looking at him in the eyes. He sighed and went back to the driver seat opening his trunk. He walked back up opening his trunk I got scared and look back at Dean and Tak laughing.

"I-I-Is he going to k-kill me" I said hiccuping. They just laughed ignoring me. I rolled my eyes flipping them off. Meek came back with some shorts on and nodded at me giving me a water bottle. Rinsing my mouth out. I closed my door and wiped the throw up that was still on the side of my mouth with the sleeve of my jacket. We began driving back to Chino's house.


Waking up with a bad headache I stretched and my arm hit something. I automatically opened my eyes seeing a body next to me. I was in shorts and a tank top. I automatically thought the negative.

"No oh my god no" I said crying getting up I ran to the bathroom that was inside the room.I pulled my shorts down then my thong seeing no blood l sighed out of relief. But then still that could still mean I'm not anymore. I sat on the toilet trying to remember what I did last night but first who was in the bed. I couldn't have brought anyone home Chino would kill me especially in his house. Fixing myself together I slowly walked out the bathroom to the bedroom. The person was snuggled into the covers. It looked more like a female body. My eyes grew.

"No no no!!"

Slowly taking off the covers off of the person I then took it all off after seeing the face of the person. I was relived to see Marie's face.

"Marie wake up wake up" I said shaking her. She finally opened her eyes and got up stretching.

"Whhhatt" she whined.

"Why are you here"

"The guys and Chino called me saying they needed me to help your drunk ass get ready for bed and shit" I rolled my eyes. I took my phone seeing that I had a bunch of missed calls and text messages. Reading the text messages they made me mad.

-"I miss you baby"

-"baby let's work this out"

-"baby come on stop this shit"

I rolled my eyes and blocked the number.

"Marco is so annoying his ass stay trying to apologize and shit" I huffed and threw my phone on the bed.

"Soooo what you doing today"

"Fuck you mean imma go sleep fuck eating" I said getting comfortable in bed. Marie gasped.

"The fat ass isn't thinking of food? Thank god if you kept eating like you do you end up like that fat guy that Chino hang around with" I busted out laughing for some reason.

"Who Tak"

"Oh that's his name...that's a wierd ass name. Look his parents done planned for his ass to be obese" she said I looked at her laughing.

"How you know"

"Cuz they done name him after a chip" I laughed harder at how stupid she was.

"His name is Tak not Takis"

"So they just missed two letters never know if Tak ain't just a nickname for the full one" I looked at her and laughed at how ignorant she was.

"Sooo wassup with you and Omelly?"

"What do you mean me and Omelly nothing ion like him like that but he cool and low key cute I ain't gonna lie" I smiled.

"Ohhh someone has a crush"I said in a childish tone dancing around while laying down.

"What about you and Meek heard you threw up all over him" I stopped and stale faced her

"Shut up" I said
Excuse all errors

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