Someone Else

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Yes. I am aware that I keep on changing the book title but I just feel like I don't really like the title anymore and feel the need to change it. So...yeah.

I don't think I'll be changing this title. I actually like it because it suits in with the cover photo and the book. (I think)

Anyways, here's the new chapter. :)



"AQUARIUS!!" I shouted, sprinting towards Anna and Aquarius.

Anna stops biting Aquarius and she snaps her neck, in which I gasped in horror as Anna drops Aquarius's body down to the floor.


I heard footsteps jogging down the stairs and I heard Future Lucy gasp also.

"Oh no..."

I go toward Aquarius and kneel down, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Aquarius...please, open your eyes. Y-You can't be dead!"

I check her pulse and it was still beating. I sigh in relief and sniff, ripping a piece of cloth from my shirt.

I place the cloth against Aquarius's bite and pressed into it, tears continuing to fall down my cheeks.

Suddenly, I felt a scream of anger and I turn around to see Future Lucy teleporting behind Anna.

I widen my eyes as Future Lucy grabs Anna's hair with her left hand and pulls it, banging her head against the wall.

"How dare you!!?"


Anna hits the wall and Future Lucy summons a bright light in her left hand that almost looks like the light from Loki.

But, before she can even hit Anna, Anna runs off into the wilderness again, Future Lucy punching the wall.

But, she lowered her use of magical power when Anna left.

She breathes in and out, small tears falling down her cheeks.

"Hey, sh-she's still alive." I said, sobbing a little.

"Y-Yeah, I know. But seeing her fall to the ground unconscious makes me sad. It brings up the horrible memory of Aquarius's sacrifice."

"Sacrifice? Aquarius will sacrifice her life? For what!?" I shouted.

"I'll explain later. Right now, go check on Romeo. I'll stay here with Aquarius."

I nodded and stand up, rushing to my brother who was laying on the floor,

"Romeo, hey. Wake up, please." I said, gently slapping his cheeks.

He slowly wakes up and I sigh in relief, thanking the lord.

" Ugh, what happened?"

"Shh, don't worry about it. It will all make sense now. For now on, I'm gonna need you to rest." I said, stroking his hair.

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