I pray that you know you're worth it
I hope that you get the love you deserve
And those kisses in the rain
And the promises that never get broken
And the life you always wantedI pray you love with no regrets
I hope that you don't give up
And that you take risks
I hope you go places that you've always wanted to go
I hope all you're worries go down the drain while you enjoy livingI hope you know that if you give up now, none of that will happen
You will not only break you're family and make them mourn you
You will break yourself more than you already have
You will of have robbed yourselfIf you give up now, you take away you're chance
Chance of happiness
Chance of love and of growth
A chance to live you're lifeSo don't give up, even if you think it's right, because it's not.
You will find happiness and you will find peace sooner or later, buts it's not in deathIf you do not die of natural causes, or something that you can not control,
Then it wasn't you're time
Sad poems
Poetry"In the end, the only peace you find Is the one you make for yourself"