Bryce's P.O.V.
I sneaked my way back in the Cupid Head Quarters to go to my room. No one saw me.
"Zach are you awake?" I asked.
"no" he replied.
"fine I'll tell you tomorrow" I replied.
I laid down and fell asleep.
"Dude are you awake!" I yelled.
"mhhm" Zach replied
I picked up a bucket of ice cold water and poured it on Zach.
"Ahhhh what the eff man" Zach screamed.
"Are you up now" I asked.
"Yes whats so important you need to tell me?" He asked.
"Well at that party I went to there was this girl..."
"I do not want to hear what you did to her" Zach interrupted me.
"No it's more like didn't, She full on didn't care to talk to me." I said.
"So" he replied.
"Well I am used to ignoring girls but girls not ignoring me. I know her name can you look her up please." I asked.
"Why can't you?" he asked sounding annoyed.
"Because man please" I asked. Maybe saying please will help I really didn't want to look her up.
"Fine" he said as he was getting up to go to the computer.
I was pacing back and forth.
"Her name is Bella Sawyer" I told him. He was typing her name in.
"What does it say?" I asked.
"It says she is 17 years old, she is a senior at Oak Hills High School, she is a smart girl has a 4.9 GPA. She inever had a boyfriend, She lives with her dad who is a lawyer, her mom passed away, oh that is sad, she had cancer but she beat it but there was a home robbery and that guy killed her and got away with it, it says she wants to become a lawyer." He said.
wow thats horrible.
"who is her soul mate?" I asked still walking back and forth.
"It's... no freakin way this can't be right" He said.
"It has to be the cupid computers are never wrong but this it doesn't make sense" he continued.
"What is it who is he?" I asked.
"You might want to come look for your self." He said.
"Just tell me." I said getting annoyed.
"It's you" he said.
"Say what?" I asked not sure if I heard him correctly.
"The computer says you are her Soul mate." He said louder.
"No freakin way! that can't happen cupids don't get soul mates that is what we been told." I said.
"I know that is why I was confused." he said.
"Maybe we do have you ever looked up your name or another cupids name before?" I asked.
"No because I thought we don't get one so it was pointless." He said.
"Exactly look up your name!" I said.
He started typing... "It says mine is a girl named Zoey, which is friends with your soul mate" He said.
"So wait what you are saying is we do get soulmates but the boss guy doesn't want us to." I stated.
"I guess so... this is crazy what do we do?" He asked.
"I don't know" I replied honestly.
"We can't go to the boss and say it or he will think we went and mingled with the humans." I said.
"Thats true..." He said thinking... "I got it!" He continued.
"What?" I asked
"We go to the boss and say 'Hey we got bored and searched our names and said we have soul mates' maybe that will make him tell us?" Zach said.
"I don't know if that will work." I said.
"Well that's all I can think of." He said.
"Why not go talk to the girls" I suggested.
"And loose everything?" Zach said.
"You got a point" i said.
I started pacing back and forth again.
"Dude stop walking back and forth calm down" Zach said.
I stopped and sat and the bed.
"I can't think on what to do. That Bella girl kinda has me stuck like I want to talk to her and get to know her, but she wont talk to me, and I cant talk to her without getting caught." I said.
"I know what you mean like now that I know I have a soul mate I just want to talk to her." he said.
this is frustrating.
for the rest of the day we sat in our rooms thinking on what we could do.
Sorry for the short chapter I will possibly update tomorrow too. Hope you liked it. if you readers have a way Bryce and Zach can talk to their soulmates with out getting caught let me know! Can't wait to read them I'll choose one and dedicate that chapter to you.
Love you all

Cupid That Breaks The Rules
Teen FictionCupids exist. No one knows, they are like angels. No one can see them unless they show themselves to you. But that's against the Cupids rule. there's a lot of rules they have to follow. such as, *Don't show yourselves to humans *Don't interfere wit...