Bella's P.O.V.
What am I going to do. I love Bryce I really do how am I going to try to act normal and everything when I know that cupids are real. I am sitting on my bed looking down while Zoey is still sleeping. It is 6 am and almost time to go to school I haven't even looked at my phone I bet he read that note already. I reached for my phone and saw I had a message.Bryce:
I understand but how long of a break I love you and can't last not being able to see you.I was debating to reply or not. What would I say? I sat my phone down and went to the restroom to take a shower.
After the shower I walked back to my room with the towel wrapped around me. When I got to my room I heard Zoey crying. "What's wrong?" I asked sat next to her.
"I can't do this." She said I knew exactly what she was talking about.
"Yes you can. You just need to think it over I know its hard trust me its hard for me too." I said trying not to give away to much information.
"What are we going to do?" She asked.
"Maybe when ever we need to talk about it we say a code word." I said hoping she understands when I said it.
"Yeah that's a good idea. What would the code word be?" She asked.
"Um what about..." I stopped to think cause I have no clue what to call the cupid problems with out getting caught.
"What about Supernatural? Like the show." Zoey asked.
"That will work!" I said.
I looked at her and smiled. "Well we have school today so you better get ready you can shower if you want." I said.
She nodded and I grabbed my phone.
Just give us a week please I love you too.I placed my phone on the bed and got dressed. My bedroom door opened and Zoey came in with a towel wrapped around her. "Can I borrow some clothes?" She asked.
I nodded and she went to the closet.
"So what our we going to tell the guys about how we feel about Supernatural?" I asked.
"We can say we are fine with it and keep on going, or we can stop watching it." She said.
"I don't want to stop watching it I love the show so much so we have to find a way to adjust to it." I said.
"It's Just so hard I don't want to stop watching Supernatural because I love it so much but I also don't like what is happening at this moment." Zoey said.
"Dean and Sam will always be there protecting the world and be with us." I said.
"What if the show ends?" She asked.
"It won't even if it does Dean and Sam will always be with us." I said. wow this supernatural code is great.
She nods and we go to school.
Bryce's P.O.V.
I am sitting at the computer watching Bella and Zoey talk. I might not get to see them for a week but at least I get to see what they are doing. I know it sounds creepy but I want to make sure they are okay.I found out that when they were talking about the show Supernatural they were actually talking about us but boss wont understand. So they are worried on how to cope with the news.
"Dude the girls are smart." I said.
"Duh I know that. But how?" He said.
"Come here." I said and I rewind the last 5 minutes of them talking. He watched.
Zach looked at me "Yeah okay so now they have a way to talk about it with out getting caught, and if "The show stops" meaning we loose our cupids that they think we won't love them anymore" He said.
I nodded.
"What are we going to do they asked for a break so we can't tell them that we are there for them and they wont get caught, and if they do and we do loose our cupids we would still love them?" Zach said.
"I hope we don't loose our cupids but of course I would still love her. But maybe we should text them and tell them the truth how we watched them." I said.
"We can't not now they will freak out even more then they are right now. I can't loose Zoey. I rather loose my cupid then her." Zach said.
"You have a point. We wait a week till we see them. Maybe they will tell us about the Supernatural and we won't have to ruin any chances, but we will have to tell them about everything I hate not telling her everything." I said I looked at the video of them driving to school. I turned up the volume.
"What would happen if Dean and Sam find girls like them? Would that ruin the show?" Zoey asked.
"I don't know but I don't want to think about that." Bella said.
"Dude now they think there are girl cupids, which there is none." I said.
"Gosh this week is going to go by soon cause they will think of the worst." Zach said.
I nodded and we went back to doing our work.
I hope you like this chapter sorry I took forever to post I have been super busy. How do you like the Supernatural code word for the cupids and if you haven't noticed Dean is Bryce and Sam is Zach because Bella likes Dean and Zoey likes Sam that was mentioned in the beginning of the book if you didn't know ;P

Cupid That Breaks The Rules
Novela JuvenilCupids exist. No one knows, they are like angels. No one can see them unless they show themselves to you. But that's against the Cupids rule. there's a lot of rules they have to follow. such as, *Don't show yourselves to humans *Don't interfere wit...