Bella's P.O.V.
Its now Monday which means back to school I go. I might be a 'nerd' people like to call me but it doesn't mean I like going to school I rather sleep in and do completely nothing.
I got dressed put on a pair of blue jean shorts and a black crop top that showed a little of my stomach and I tided a red plaid long sleeve button up shirt around my waist. I grabbed my backpack, my keys, and my phone and headed to school.
On the way to school I got a text message. I was driving, looking at the text won't kill me. (A/N do not be like Bella and text and drive it's not safe) I grabbed my phone and saw it was from Bryce.
Have fun at school, can't wait till the weekend.I rolled my eyes and with my one hand I typed back. "What's this weekend?" I sent it.
I arrived to school and parked my car.
My phone went off.
I get to see your beautiful self ;)I blushed... Wait why did I blush? I was walking to Zoey and Aiden. I texted back real fast saying "how do you know I don't want to do anything and just relax and watch Supernatural?" I sent it and was standing in front of Zoey and Aiden.
"Who are you texting?" Zoey asked.
"Guess" I responded.
"Bryce?" She said.
"Yep" I popped the p.
"Whose Bryce?" Aiden asked.
Before I responded. Zoey said, "He is Bella's lover." She winked.
"No, he's just a friend I bumped into him at that party we went to." I corrected.
"Well he likes you for sure." Zoey said.
"No why would he like me?" I said.
"Cause you are beautiful and not like other girls. Duh" Zoey said.
"No he is hot I am not, he's a jock, I am a nerd, he is a bad boy and I'm a good girl. There is nothing the same we are total opposites." I said.
"Opposites attract haven't you read enough books to know that?" She said.
"And this isn't a book this is real life. He might like me now, if he does, but he will get tired of how i am and leave, I don't want to get my heart broken." I said.
"Well give him a chance you don't even know him. He might not be the 'bad guy' or a 'jock' you never met him before the party. And we went on that double date and he seemed very nice and he looked at you like he wants you." She said.
"I'll think about it, but I have to get to my locker and get to class the bell is going to ring any second." Right when I said that the bell rang.
"well darn gotta go!" And I ran to my locker.
The day went by slow and Bryce replied but I haven't had the chance to read it or respond.
Its lunch now. I grabbed my food and sat down at our table. Zoey and Aiden isn't here yet so I took out my phone and read the message. He finally got the hint that if I don't respond right away I am busy.
Well if you want to relax and watch supernatural I will gladly come and hang out with you there I actually like the show.I chucked everyone likes that show. I replied, "fine but text me first before you show up." I sent the text.
Second later i got a text again.
For sure anything for you love.I looked at that text and I almost dropped my phone. I blushed maybe Zoey is right and he does like me. Right before I was going to reply he texted back.
I didn't mean love.. I meant beautiful...I rolled my eyes still blushing. I went to reply.
"why are you blushing?" I jumped and looked at who spoke to me. It was Zoey.
I looked at her basically saying 'you know why', and she nodded.
"So i think your right." I said
"About what?" Zoey said.
"That Bryce likes me" I said.
"Well duh anyone who isn't blind can tell maybe a blind person can tell from all the like vibe coming off him." She said.
"you dumb." I rolled my eyes.
"Well everyone knows that! So spill how did you finally see?" She said.
"Well we were texting and he said 'anything for you love' then he texted me back saying he didn't mean to say love he meant beautiful" I said.
"He said love but meant beautiful? How do you mess that up? And wait he called you beautiful?" she said.
"That is what I was saying and he always calls me beautiful." I said
"He always calls you beautiful? Why haven't you seen it earlier?" She said.
"Cause guys are dumb and will say whatever to get inside a girls pants. But the L word is different. Where's Aiden?" I said.
"Now you say I am dumb... Guys don't call girls beautiful to get in their pants they use the words 'your hot' or 'cutie' but beautiful is different means they like you, maybe love you, and Aiden is at a football meeting." She said.
I rolled my eyes I took out my phone and I felt like I had to respond back to Bryce so I replied, "okay see you Saturday." And sent it.
I continued eating.
"I can't believe you!" I turned around to see Chloe right there.
"What did I do?" I said.
"You go and hang out with with that guy from the party and his hot friend on Saturday." She said.
"So." I replied.
"What did I say about hanging out with hot guys?" She said.
"I don't know?" I said.
"I told you to stay away or there won't be a problem. So now watch you back." She said and stormed off.
I rolled my eyes and the be rang. I grabbed my stuff threw away the trash and went to class.
The day went by I went home and did homework.
Hope you guys liked this chapter. It was a long one :) comment or vote or both. I like to dedicate this chapter to portdebras for showing you love of the story :)

Cupid That Breaks The Rules
Teen FictionCupids exist. No one knows, they are like angels. No one can see them unless they show themselves to you. But that's against the Cupids rule. there's a lot of rules they have to follow. such as, *Don't show yourselves to humans *Don't interfere wit...