Bryce's P.O.V.
"Bryce did you go see the girls while I was with Zach?" The Boss said."Yes I did." I said truthfully.
"Okay that was the truth." He said. I nodded.
"Zach did you purposely make your computer broken so you can distract me?" He asked.
"Yes sir." Zach said The Boss hummed.
"Bryce did you tell the girls what you were?" He asked, well this is the time where we need to get ready to leave.
"Yes" I replied.
"Zach did you know about this and helped him out?" The Boss asked.
"Yes sir." He replied.
"Okay I have enough to now take away your cupid. Get up boys and follow me." He said.
We got up and waited for the boss. He was on the phone with someone. I couldn't hear what he was saying.
"Okay boys we are just waiting for the guards." He said.
Guards? I look at Zach and he looked at me the way I know what he is thinking.
"Okay lets get going." The Boss said.
The Boss grabbed our arms. "Um we can walk on our own we wont run." I said. He looked at me and Zach and just nodded. He let go of our arms and the guards were standing next to the Boss while we were right behind him. We got to the place where we placed our bows hoping the other cupids are ready to attack. I look around and see a signal stating they are there. I nodded my head hoping that they saw that. After that all of a sudden arrows started shooting towards the guards and the Boss. That gave us enough time to grab our arrows and start to aim.
"Look what happened when we told every cupid that we have soulmates and that you wanted to hide that from everyone they all now want one and guess what they want revenge." I said.
"So you and your friend started a war?" He asked laughing.
"Why are you laughing you are going to die." I said.
"Because I prepared for this when I was on the phone in the office I had guards start to get over here which if you turn around they are all aiming for you." He said.
I turn around and see them.
"Why are you fighting with the boss when you can be happy with your soulmate?" I asked them.
One yelled back "We are already with our soulmates and they know who we are." He said.
I look back at the Boss "You let them tell their soulmates?" I asked
"Yeah I need them on my side." He said smirking.
"Do you hear that everyone he only let him and his guards be with their soulmates but not us how does that make you feel?" I yelled.
They all got out of their hiding places and aimed their bows some at the boss some at the guards.
"So I guess we will have to fight till death." I said.
"It looks like that good luck." The Boss said.
Right after he said that arrows started going everywhere I was dodging all of them. Me and Zach split up and was fighting. I pulled my arrow back and shot at the guard and it went straight through the heart. ! down from me more to come. Guard after guard I took down. When I was able to have a breather I looked for the boss and he was fighting with some cupid I don't know. I look around see some of our guys down. I looked for Zach and he is struggling with this guard. The guard is holding onto Zach's bow and throwing punches. I aimed my bow and waited for the time and shot the arrow it went through his back and made the guard fall. Zach looked up and saw me and I gave him a thumbs up he gave me one back.
After a while it was just down to The Boss and us well us as in every cupid who started except like 3.
"So Boss how does it feel to be the last one standing?" I yelled.
"Well all I have to say is I am impressed but you are going to die." He said.
"1 verses 40? I don't see how you are going to win." I stated.
"Oh I don't care to die and them to live I just want you two to die." He said pulled his arrow back and aimed at Zach.
"Zach move!" I yelled. Right when I said that boss shot his arrow but Zach moved at the same time but it still hit him and he went down.
"Noooo!" I yelled fell to the ground on my knees.
"Oh look one down one more to go he pulled his arrow I closed my eyes expecting to die at the spot. I waited and nothing I open my eyes and see The boss dead on the ground and the guy who told us about the riddle I forgot his name standing with a sword in his hand all covered in blood.
I stood up and ran straight over to Zach so did everyone else. Well some went to the other bodies on the ground to either say goodbye or to see if they were alive.
I sat next to Zach and looked down at him he was shot in the left shoulder he is still breathing.
"Zach wake up its over." I yelled shaking him a little.
He opened his eyes. "It's *Cough* over?" He said.
"Yes now don't speak we will take you to the hospital. don't close your eyes" I said.
"He anyone hear want to help me take him to the hospital?" I asked.
"Yes I will boss" Everyone yelled.
"Boss?" I asked.
"Yes we all voted to have you be the boss of Cupids You stood up for us you cared. You want to make sure everyone has their soulmate its what we do. All those girls who were our soulmates would have died alone or not with their true love cause we were here not thinking we had one. Bryce you are our new boss. We will help you and help change how the cupids should be." The guy with the riddle, also the guy who killed the boss.
"Thank you everyone I promise I will be better boss then that guy, but as of now lets get Zach to the hospital." I said. Everyone came over and carried him to the cupid hospital.
Authors note.
I hope you guys liked this I am sorry for the wait!!!

Cupid That Breaks The Rules
JugendliteraturCupids exist. No one knows, they are like angels. No one can see them unless they show themselves to you. But that's against the Cupids rule. there's a lot of rules they have to follow. such as, *Don't show yourselves to humans *Don't interfere wit...