Cupids exist. No one knows, they are like angels. No one can see them unless they show themselves to you. But that's against the Cupids rule. there's a lot of rules they have to follow.
such as,
*Don't show yourselves to humans
*Don't interfere wit...
My alarm going off at 6 am telling me its time to get up and get ready for school. I got up went to the restroom and took a shower.
I finished the shower and wrapped the towel around me and went to mu closet to see what I want to wear today its February 5th and the weather says its going to be 65°F. I grabbed a pair of black Victoria Secret Leggings and a salmon pink color shirt. I grabbed my Uggs and a long necklace that went with my shirt. I walked back to the restroom and started on my make up. No before you think anything I am not the type of girl that cakes make up on, I like my natural look.
I finished my make up and blow dried my hair. Its now 7:30 and school starts at 8. I grabbed my back pack my car keys and my phone and ran down the stairs.
"Bye dad! Love you!" I yelled running to the front door.
I heard him chuckled I bet he's shaking his head right now. "Bye Ella" my dad said.
I ran to my 2015 Dodge Challenger. My dad gave it to me as a birthday present we have money my dad is a famous lawyer. I want to be just like him I'm going to go to a law school and become a lawyer.
I got to school and parked in my space I paid for. At our school you can buy a parking space and decorate it. Mine just says "Bella Sawyers space park here your dead" what its front row and I hate being late to class. Don't judge me. My friends Zoey and Aiden were sitting in the bed of Aiden's truck talking. I walk over to them.
"Hey guys" i waved.
They look over "Ella!" They both screamed.
Yeah I have the most craziest friends anyone can think of.
Zoey she is short with brown eyes unlike me and my blue eyes. If you didn't know us you guys think we were sister. We have the same long brown hair and we are both petite. Only big difference is our eyes. We met in 10th grade when she came up to me and said "hey you look like me". Do you know how people say everyone has a look a like in the world well I found mine.
Aiden well he is 6 foot very muscular and is the number one quarterback in our high school. Every girl swoons over him. We have been friends since diapers. And I don't see anything with him. He's like my brother. We met because my dad is friends with his dad since they were in highschool and so we met.
My dad always thought I would be with Him, but like what I told everyone he is like my brother. He feels the same way. Plus he is known as the player in the school. I roll my eyes yes he's cute but seriously.
"Earth the Ella" Aiden said.
"Sorry I was thinking." I said.
"Hi Aiden" Chloe's squeekie annoying voice said.
Chloe is the head cheerleader. And yes she is the typical cheerleader everyone knows of the skank and a witch but change the w with a b.
"What do you want?" Aiden said.
She flipped her blonde hair. Looked at me with her devil blue eyes.
"Why not ditch these losers and have some fun with me" she winked.
"Chloe first off these 'losers' you speak of are my friends and you and me are never happening again not ever. Leave" Aiden said.
"Not another word leave" Aiden interrupted her.
She turned out flipped her hair and stomped. Yes I mean stomped away.
I looked at Aiden. Then back to Zoey. Then started bursting out laughing.
"What's so funny?" Aiden asked
"Well did you see her stomping away like a little kid throwing a tantrum." I said laughing still.
Aiden and Zoey look at each other then back at me.
"Are you okay El?" Aiden asked.
"Yes why wouldn't I be?" I asked.
"I don't know just you seem happy." He said. Zoey agreed.
"What I can't be happy gosh guys what type of friends I have" I smirked and walked away towards campus.
They yelled sorry and ran after me.
Bryce P.O.V.
"Zach its Friday tomorrow we will have some fun there's this party I over heard that's gonna happen" I said.
"Dude. Aren't you tired of going to the lame human parties?" Zach asked.
"Naw they are interesting and the girls are hot! I don't understand how the created of Cupids didn't make girl Cupids."
"Bryce if you get caught you can loose being a cupid" Zack said.
"I know but I won't get caught I promise. Now let's finish the cupid stuff and get some rest" I said.
"Fine" Zack chuckled at me.
I was looking at the screen when someone is a soulmate the screen will pop up the other half. If you want to search for someone you type their full name and you can see what they are doing right now its kinda weird. But it will say the name of their soulmate. On the screen.
I had the soulmates meet and then went to my room to rest up. We don't need sleep but what do cupids do when not working. Nothing cause we can't 'interact' with humans. How would you feel if you were stuck in a building for your hole life with the same faces you get bored.
I closed my eyes and fell asleep.
A/N HeyguysthisismynewbookIhopeyoulikeit.
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