Bella's P.O.V.
I woke up from the sun beating down through the window. I look at the time and it is 8:00 in the morning. I look over at Bryce and he is still asleep. I got out of bed went to the restroom turned on the shower. While it is heating up I went and grabbed my clothes I wore yesterday, I need to go shopping before I go. I took off my clothes and stepped into the shower. The water running down my back felt great. I am the kind that has the water so hot that it fogs up the whole bathroom. After scrubbing my body and cleaning my hair. I stepped out of the shower wrapped the towel around my body and went to where I put my clothes I put them on and grabbed the towel and wiped the mirror so I can see how I look I didn't bring make up or anything I will have to let my hair air dry. I walked out of the bathroom and noticed Bryce is no where to be seen. So I walked out and walked everywhere and still nothing. I grabbed my phone and went to Bryce's name and texted him "Where are you" I asked.I walked to the kitchen and noticed there is pancakes on the counter and orange juice and a note. I went up to it and grabbed the note.
Hello love,
I know I am gone but I went to go get some stuff so don't freak out here is some breakfast so make sure to eat it will be a long day.
Love, BryceI rolled my eyes and dug into the food, oh my this is so good, how long did I take my shower cause this had to take sometime to make.
I finished my food and went to the backyard and took off my shoes and sat at the edge of the pool with my feet in the water. I can never get used to the view it is so beautiful and now the birds are chirping.
"I knew I would find you out here good morning beautiful." Bryce said.
I looked behind me and see Bryce I smile, I got up and went up to him and kissed him. I looked down and noticed he has a couple of bags.
"Good morning handsome, what's in the bags?" I asked.
"Open them and find out." He said passing the bags to me.
I grabbed them and opened them and in one bag there was the beautiful dress it was black knee length long sleeve dress but there are cut off at the shoulder. In the next bag is a shoe box I took the lid off the box and saw these pretty black laced high heels. I grabbed the next bag and it was make up.
"How do you know these matched?" I asked.
"Well I kinda teleported to your room and I was going to just grabbed those but those were almost empty so I looked at what I needed to get so that is how." He said blushing.
"Thank you so much!!!" I gave him a hug and ran back to the restroom and changed and put the make up on.
I walked out and I see Bryce sitting on the bed. I made a noise and made his face look up and his face looked like he seen something he has never seen.
"So?" I asked.
"You look beautiful!" He said.
"Thank you. You are the one that chose this outfit." I said.
"Well I had a little help the lady at the store helped me choose something, I never knew how hard it was to shop for a girl. No wonder they take forever." He said.
"Babe thank you for the effort." I said chuckling.
"So you ready for the big day and the long drive?" He asked.
"Yes I am." I said and we walked to the garage and I see all these nice cars we walk to a Black Dodge Viper and he opens the door for me I get in and then he walks to the drivers side and gets in and we are off.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Authors note
Hello lovelies I hope you enjoy this I did get a new cover, well went through a couple of covers but I think I made this one the best. And some good news my book Adventure Of Love came in 2nd place in the Golden Awards and also won best cover, but I did change it to the cover they made for me. I was so surprised I won that book was my 30 day challenge last year so I had to write for 30 days straight, that was hard. But I did it! I did sign this book up but I didn't win... but that won't stop me from posting I love this book like it is my child, kinda, I did forget to post for a while, not because I wanted to but because school and work made me, but I will try to post on here. I did choose to write this instead of homework.... oh well. well hope you enjoyed this! and the book.

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