Bella's P.O.V.
"Zoey I think I am starting to like him." I said, sitting on my bed while Zoey sits on my desk chair."Duh who wouldn't like him." She said.
"I thought you had the hots for his friend whats his name." I said.
"Zach and yes I do but a girl can look no wrong in that can look not touch." She said. I rolled my eyes.
"Anyways we are not talking about me and Zach why not date him he obviously likes you." She said.
"You know I don't date not right now I have school to worry about and I don't want a distraction." I said.
"Enough about school you are seeing him right now and still doing fine with school what's the difference between hanging out with him as friends and dating, he has work during the week you have school during the week. He won't be in your way." She said making a valid point.
"Yeah I see what you are meaning but as friends we don't have to worry about each other, if we dated, just look at him he is hot, what girl wouldn't try to hit on him, then look at me compared to other girls he will for sure choose them, he will want to, you know do the nasty, and I do not. He will get bored of me and not want to wait till I am ready, who knows when I m ready." I said.
"He won't do that I can see it in his eyes." She said.
"I am just scared." I said.
"Don't be are you going to tell him you like him" She asked.
"No not yet I want to make sure I like him. I don't want to rush in to things." I said.
"What ever you say." She said.
I rolled my eyes. I got out of bed and went to see what movie to watch.
"Zoey what do you want to watch" I asked.
"I want to watch Bye Bye Man." She said.
"Whats that?" I asked.
"A Thriller movie I heard it is good." She said.
I looked up the movie on my Amazon Firestick and clicked play.
(Spoiler alert!!! Skip this part if you don't want to know what happens.)
While watching the movie these 3 college kids one girl and 2 guys move in to this big house all excited they have their own place they through a party and one of the boys neice goes up stairs and finds a coin she puts it on the bed side table. goes back down stairs and tells the guy she found a coin and placed it on the table.
After the party the guy goes upstairs and finds the coin on the floor again, so he picks it up and puts it in the drawer. he started to walk out and the coin falls to the floor. he opens the drawer and finds words saying "Don't say it, Don't think it." scribbled everywhere. he tears it up and it says Bye Bye Man.
So now he thought it and said it. he told his friends now and now everyone is thinking it. during the rest of the movie They start to see things, things that aren't there, making them go crazy, the whole movie was the main guy trying to get rid of the Bye Bye Man and the girl gets sick and sees things and same with the other guy. I found out that the Bye Bye Man has this weird dog thing which he eats so the Bye Bye Man makes the people that say his name go crazy and kill each other so the dog can eat.
At the end of the movie the guy kills his girlfriend thinking she was someone else and he runs away from the Bye Bye Man and his uncle and niece are at the door he runs to the door trying to get them away. He doesn't want them to think or say the name so they are pounding on the door and the main guy shoots himself so no one can know that name, thinking everyone was dead that said or thought his name so he is dead.
The very last part of the movie to niece found the bed side table and found the coins in there and told the unlce there was something written in it but she couldn't read it. Then that other friend was found alive still and the officer asked what happened and he whispered something in her ear.
"That was more like a horror then a thriller but It wasn't that scary." I said.
"Yeah what if it was real?" She asked.
"Then we will all be seeing things because we heard the name." I said.
"I am seeing Bryce and Zach right now oh my gosh He is real!" She screamed.
I turned and saw Bryce and Zach by my window. I got up and opened the window. "What are you to dumb butts doing out here at.." I looked at the time "11 at night?" I asked.
"We want to hang out." Bryce said.
"Whats wrong with Zoey?" Zach asked.
"We watch a Movie called..."
"Don't say it!!!!" Zoey yelled.
"Zoey it's not real its a movie!" I said.
"I never heard of a movie called Don's Say It." Zach said.
"Its not called Don't Say It it is called Bye Bye Man." I said.
"Oh was it good? And if I remember correctly I thought you don't like horror movies." Bryce said.
"She told me it was thriller but it didn't end up being scary it was just more like a thriller, this was like the only movie I didn't guess how it was going to end." I said.
"That's interesting I will have to watch it sometime." Bryce said.
I looked at Zoey and Zach was comforting her. I smiled and I went back to look at Bryce and realized I am wearing a rainbow pj bottoms and a matching shirt. I ran to the restroom with grey sweats and a tank top.
"Why did you change you looked cute in your rainbow pajamas." Bryce said. I blushed.
"Well to bad." that's the best I can come up with.
"So what are you guys doing its a school night." I said.
"We wanted to see you before we had to go back to work, and if its a school night why stay up this late?" He asked.
"Touche." I said.
"Well I have to go to bed so does Zoey so see you later." I said.
"Already" He asked.
"Yes now shoo have fun at work." I said while pushing him to the window.
"Fine I'll text you later come on Zach time to go." He said.
They left and we fell asleep.
I hope you guys like this chapter I am sorry if it was kinda boring, I wanted to write something for you guys, comment or voteI would also like to know what country my viewers are from if America what state! I am from California!!
Love you all!

Cupid That Breaks The Rules
Teen FictionCupids exist. No one knows, they are like angels. No one can see them unless they show themselves to you. But that's against the Cupids rule. there's a lot of rules they have to follow. such as, *Don't show yourselves to humans *Don't interfere wit...