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"Friends are the family you don't have."

I was fidgeting.

Meeting six boys who meant the world to your husband was nerve wrecking. I knew this meeting was insanely important to Namjoon. Secretly, I prayed they'd like me.

Tae was who I was most eager about meeting. We had been in constant contact since my marriage to his leader. Texting with him had assisted  me a bunch with reading Hangul. It felt as if I was meeting a long distance friend for the first time.

Taehyung and I constantly exchanged memes and funny videos of adorable animals we found on the internet. Seokjin sent me his favorite recipes and informed me that I'd have to feed him. I didn't mind though. In fact, I was excited to learn how to cook Korean food. Hobi video chatted with me a few times and by the end of our calls, my face ached from laughing so much. Only those three had contacted me. But speaking with them helped improve my Hangul.

Once again, we were followed to the large black building of our new home, but no one aside residents were allowed inside. As soon as the screaming was muted behind the glass door, I let out a sigh and removed my mask. I doubted I would ever get used to so many people gawking at me all at the same time.

"So how's the unemployment rate?" I questioned Namjoon as soon as we were in the intimate privacy of the elevator. His long tanned finger paused for a second before pushing the button for the highest floor.

"It's pretty low in Seoul. Why do you ask?" Joonie responded with a suspicious look plastered on his face. I predicted that he wouldn't be too enthusiastic about my desire.

"Because I want to know if it's easy to get a job?" My answer sounded more like a question once spoken aloud. Sensing another upcoming argument, I tried to tone down the attitude I was about to have with him.

"Why would you need a job?"

"Why wouldn't I need a job?"

"I make enough money for us both."

"And I'll make my fair share for us both as well."

"Well I don't want you to work."

"Well I want to."

"Marriage is about sharing. What's mine is yours. You don't need to work for money."

"Marriage is about sacrifice as well. I should work my ass off just like you do everyday."

"But I like your ass."

"This isn't the time to be flirting."

And the argument continued until we reached the front of the door.

"I'm telling you, you're not getting a job. Might as well give up now."

"It's funny how you think this is the end of this quarrel."

"We will continue this in private. Now..." Namjoon glanced at the empty hallway behind us to see if any tenants were wandering about. But thankfully we were the only ones there. "...give me a kiss."

"I don't think you deserve my kisses." I cheekily grinned back at him and folded my arms across my chest.

"Then I guess I have to steal one from you." Namjoon leaned forward and let go of my luggage to pull me in by my waist. Standing on my toes, I gave in to his kiss. His thick plump lips met mine in a simple but sweet kiss. Our lips moved in sync. Almost as if they were made for each other. Kissing my husband was one thing I'd probably never get tired of.

I could tell he wanted to take it further and the hallway was definitely not the appropriate place for it. But I found it impossible to pull away from his lips. Our kissing session would have prolonged if it wasn't for a sudden interruption.

Until Death Do Us Part - k.njWhere stories live. Discover now