14-First Appearance

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"When is a monster not a monster? Oh...when you love it."

"I don't think she will say yes. She's not like that. Yes. Yes. I know but she's very private about our relationship. I could do it. But it's up to the wife. We have a higher chance of her saying yes if I'm there as well. Okay. I will. Yes. Okay bye. See you later."

"Who is that?" I sleepily grumbled as my husband's phone conversation awakened me from my rest.

"I'll tell you about it later. Go back to sleep." With a kiss to my temple, Namjoon returned to his spot beside me in the bed and pulled my small body into a warm cuddle.

"No I'm awake now." I whispered as I eyed our clock. It was currently four in the morning and the sky was still as dark as ever. I settled into my husband's embrace comfortably. The pounding of his heartbeat resonated on my cheek where it was resting on his chest.

"It's another television appearance offer. They're doing a segment on interracial couples in Korea and they want to feature us. Manager hyung and our publicist thinks it's a good idea." Namjoon explained as he softly rubbed my arm up and down. His touch made me feel serene.

"You already know my answer." I muttered almost instantly. Many companies had called in for appearances from me but I turned them down. I had even gotten invitations from music companies but I possessed zero musical talent. My husband was the celebrity, not me.

"They're offering a lot baby." Namjoon sighed as he tried to convince me to appear on television with him.

"I don't care about money. Now let's go back to sleep." And that was my last word on the subject before returning to my precious sleep time. I slept comfortably for the rest of the night. Until my three kids barged into the room at seven in the morning, asking for breakfast.

"I think it would be a good idea." Kris offered as we sat on the rooftop later that afternoon. The older girl had become my go to person for advice now. "People don't like what they don't understand. And I feel like that's why people are weary about you. Because they don't know you. I think you should go on the show to introduce yourself formally to the fandom."

"I don't want people to say I'm using him for fame of something because I'm not a celebrity and I don't even want to be one. I just happened to marry one. So that's why I think it's not a good idea." I sighed as I took a sip of my smoothie. Holding the drink out to Kris, I offered some to her. But she declined politely.

"Listen-" Kris began with a serious tone in her voice. "I understand that you don't want to be a celebrity but you have to deal with the consequences of being married to one. I'm not saying to take advantage of all the opportunities that are offered to you. But marriage is about sacrificing. You have to learn how to adapt to his lifestyle."

And this is why I always came to Kris for advice. Because she wasn't afraid to tell me I was wrong. As I thought about what she had said, I begun to realize how right Kris was. Every marriage needed some sort of sacrifice from each partner. Namjoon had sacrificed his career and reputation when he had married me. I would need to sacrifice my comfort to adjust to his celebrity lifestyle.

"And I know how you are about money. So whatever they're offering you to go on the show, put it to good use. Donate it." Kris suggested. That idea had warned me up even more to the idea of a television appearance. I had already thought of where I could donate the money to. That's when I decided to accept the offer.

A week later I was dressed in expensive clothing, my face was done up with the finest of makeup products, and my husband was giving me advice. We'd go on air in a few minutes in front of a live audience but for now, the makeup artists were adding a few finishing touches. My hair was sleek and straight thanks to the stylist's magic powers. My round brown eyes were dark and mysterious with the black shadow that had been applied. A nude lip gloss glittered in the light on my lips.

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