21-4 A.M.

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"One day
I wrote a long, long letter to the moon
It would not be brighter than you"
-4 o'clock

"Happy birthday." I whispered as seductively into my husband's ear as I could manage. After lacing a kiss along his jawline, he turned his attention to me.

We were all gathered around the dining table drinking and stuffing our faces with junk food and cake. Namjoon requested to only have the members of Bangtan and his wife have a small get together at home. So despite everyone's individual and busy schedule, we attempted to make Namjoon's day shine.

At my attempts of being sexy, Namjoon placed his hand on my bare thigh. His thumb began to rub small circle into my inner thigh. This was his way of ordering me to be patient.

"You've been clingy all week. Do you love your husband that much?" He smirked cockily at me whilst lowering his voice. Most of the boys were caught up in their own drunken behavior to pay attention to us.

"Mhmm. We've both been working and I missed feeling you." I muttered back while looking up at him through my black lashes. My seductive dark makeup and ruby red lips added on to the sexual appeal. "...inside me."

"Serenie! Have I ever told you how pretty you are?" Jimin drunkenly slurred before shoving a dried seaweed strip into his mouth.

Since their little trip to Rome the couple had returned with beautiful golden skin and an inner glow. Almost as if the trip made them realize how much they really did love each other. And did I received an awesome keychain from the duo with a picture of the colosseum.

"Almost every day oppa."

"You're such a good wife. Don't ever break up with hyung okay? I'll cry if you do." A pout made its way onto his puffy lips. I tried my hardest not to crack up. Jimin was a huge ball of fluff when he was drunk. It was a contrast to his manly behavior when he was sober.

"I won't. He's mine forever." I promised while linking my arm with my husband's.

Suddenly Namjoon cleared his throat and ordered everyone's attention. Jimin lightly slapped Taehyung's shoulder to make him listen. Jungkook paused in the middle of teasing Jin to face his leader. And the rap duo stopped amidst their drunken conversations to look at Namjoon. I noted that Yoongi's eyes flashed to mine. Quickly I looked towards Namjoon as well, completely avoiding the Daegu rapper's piercing stare.

"As we all know Serena and I only signed papers and got married in private back in January. It bothered me because we never had the chance to celebrate with our family and friends. Our parents would love to see us have a ceremony. So in four months Serena and I are having a wedding ceremony. We're getting married again." Namjoon announced with the happiest grin on his face with those deep dimples on display. The look on his face was smug as if he had just won the lottery. I felt proud as well. I really did hit the lottery with him.

The room clapped and cheered for us. Even Yoongi clapped, masking away his true feelings deep down. Namjoon and I accepted hugs of congratulations from everyone. My body grew stiff when Yoongi and I had to hug each other. But we kept up the cool façade. After the cheers calmed down, we began to talk about details.

"Our tour starts in October. We tour the Americas first. And then we have a break in the middle which will be December. We have end of the year awards, birthdays, and important dates. So Serena and I will have the wedding on the twenty third. After the wedding we'll go on our honeymoon for two weeks. And then return to continue the Asia and Australia leg of the tours. If some of you would prefer to spend the holidays with your families then we understand." Namjoon explained to the kids. But in the end everyone agreed to clear their busy holiday schedule for Namjoon and I. This caused a warm feeling in my heart.

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