20-Lightening Strikes

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"Bury me in two coffins.
The first for the one I want to love forever.
And another for the one I shouldn't always love.
Two different coffins for two halves of my heart."

One day later.

All of staffs, dancers, producers, and members were gathered in the large white practice room. The sounds of pained sobs surrounded me like a thick heavy air. Outside of the building, fans offered their condolences and sympathized along with us.

One week later

The funeral took place today. A large photo frame stood before us with a smile that outshines the stars. That made the room more somber than it already was. We'd never see that smile ever again. Jimin had to leave the funeral early. He couldn't take it anymore. I didn't see him again until four in the morning. Yoongi also disappeared but he didn't cry. Although we all heard his sniffling in his studio earlier.

One month later

They hung your portrait up in the company building. Our smiles have returned. The laughter that had once stopped resonating through the halls proceeded on. Everyone has returned to their regular life. But that doesn't mean that we all don't stop in front of your portrait every morning and try not to hold back the tears threatening to spill from our eyes. We miss you.

Present Day

Last month after her husband took his final breath in that hospital room, Nayoung took her own life as well. The only things she left behind was a note and her only son. Sejun now lived with his grandmother in Busan who I met at the funeral. The sudden suicide caused a hole in all our hearts. Especially Namjoon, Hoseok, and Yoongi since they had known Nayoung from early trainee days. No one was the same for a while. But eventually life had to continue on.

After appearing in two music videos, suddenly I was more busier than ever. Every day I was offered another special appearance or modeling opportunity. Due to Namjoon's pushing, I took on nearly every job that came towards me. I was sure I would have to quit my personal assistant job soon due to the amount of time I spent modeling.

I never thought I'd ever be a model or even in high demand. Less than a year ago I was a nobody with no future ahead. Now my marriage was the going great, I loved living in Seoul, and the pay was astounding. And it was all thanks to my husband's words of encouragement. 

When I got home that night Namjoon was still up. Surrounded by the orange glow of his seventh and hopefully final lamp replacement, he held one of my poetry books. I smiled fondly at my husband. His dark brown eyes flickered back to mine.

"Good day at work?" He smiled with his deep dimples showing.

"Good but long. Did you shower already?" I questioned as I lifted my shirt up and practically ripped it off of my body.

"Yeah but I could shower again." Namjoon offered with a mischievous look in his eye. My eyes rolled at his insatiable hormones. "Do you want me to get you something to eat?"

"No I had dinner with one of the other models. Expect cheating rumors in the news tomorrow." I chuckled before walking to our bathroom as naked as the day I was born. My hips had an extra sway in them just to tease Joonie a bit. Namjoon clicked his tongue from behind me.

Ten minutes later I crawled into bed with a clean body that smelled of lavender. Namjoon finished the last poem he was on before turning to me. We spoke gently with our eyes.

Nayoung's suicide caused me to think about my own marriage. Did I love Namjoon so much that I'd follow him to the grave? Were my feelings for him that strong? Did our marriage really meant until death do us part? I pondered this for a moment before deciding. Namjoon would want me to live my life to the fullest. And I felt the same for him.

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