23-The End

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"How can I live as one when the other half of me is gone?" -SVT

My eyelids fluttered open to reveal an obnoxiously white room and what looked like sunlight peering through a window with no glass. But it was too bright to be sunlight. The bed I laid on was also an intense white color with a sheet folded perfectly over me.

"Finally you're awake." My own voice resonated through the room but my mouth hadn't moved a centimeter. I quickly turned my heard to the left where the sound came from.

"Am I having an out of body experience right now?" I questioned to what looked like my own reflection. The same round brown eyes, the same lips, the same body. "Am I dead?"

"No silly. If you were dead you wouldn't be experiencing all of this. You're in something like a dream. But more real." She chuckled before taking a seat at the foot of the bed. Quickly I sat up to analyze her face even more. My eyes widened in shock as I recognized the person in front of me. It wasn't myself.

"Are you...Sylvia?" I asked incredulously. Slowly the woman began to nod.

"I am."

"No offense but when I die, aren't I supposed to see dead ancestors of whatever. Are we secretly related?" I softly gasped as I tried to remember if I was related any Brazilians.

"You ask a lot of questions." Sylvia mused with a warm smile on her face. "We're not related by blood."


"We're related by soul. You and I share the same soul." I almost wanted to laugh at this but I didn't want to offend her.

"So what? Were like soulmates? No offense but I don't want to be in love with someone who looks like me."

"Being soulmates isn't always about being in a relationship. Your best friend could be your soulmate. In this case, I'm your soulmate. In Namjoon's case his best friend is his soulmate." She admitted with a sad look on her face. "It's Yoongi."

"Namjoon and Yoongi?"

"That's why they're both attracted to you. Yoongi loved me. Namjoon loves you. We share the same soul and they share the same soul. So they'd love the same person as well." My mind was trying to connect all this together. I had a million questions racing around in my head.

"Does this mean God exists? Because I've never really been a big fan of him."

"I can't tell you that. Not unless you're dead."

"So I have a chance of living?" I questioned hopefully.

"Yes you do. It's up to you now. Do you want to live with the knowledge of your husband's adultery or do you want to leave this world peacefully without a single memory to harm you?" Sylvia questioned this time while looking at me in an understanding way. "I can give you time to decide."

"No I already know." I responded immensely. My hand left my side to rest on my still flat stomach. I felt the warmth from my skin. "I want to live for my baby."

"May I?" Sylvia smiled gently as she reached over to me with one hand. With a nod I permitted her to touch my stomach. Her touch warmed my skin with comfort. "He's going to be handful but you've dealt with worse."

"Yes I have." I retorted as I thought of Jungkook. But something Sylvia said made me turn my attention back to her. "He?"


It was quiet for a few moments as my mind processed this information. Sylvia and I sat in comfortable silence. It wasn't awkward at all. Somehow I felt more complete than I ever had before. Maybe it's because we were both made up of the same essence as she claimed.

Until Death Do Us Part - k.njWhere stories live. Discover now