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"He was my sunshine and you were my snow. I knew he was better for me, yet I still chose the cold."

I was rudely awakened two hours later by my husband's chaotic snores. Deciding I couldn't sleep after that, I made my way into the private bathroom we both shared. It contained one of those high tech showers that had the water spraying from all sides and above. Impressive.

It was only when I exited the shower butt naked had I realized I forgot a towel and some clothes. Namjoon seeing me naked was no big deal. However, the amount of sexual tension between us was at an all time high these days.

Thankfully Namjoon slept through me sneaking to the bedroom and back to the bathroom. A simple off the shoulder floral lavender dress was my outfit of the day. And I decided to do my makeup since we'd be going out later. Also because I didn't want to look like trash like this morning when I wore a sweatpants and a hoodie.

After some perfume I took one last glance at my sleeping husband before tiptoeing into the living room. I swear that man could sleep through a war. A fond smile appeared on my face as I closed the bedroom door, muting his snores.

The living room was less cluttered since everyone took their belongings into their new rooms. Unlocking my phone I quickly googled "traditional Korean breakfast meals".

Most of the breakfast foods were simple to make. However, I had I to hunt for the kimchi. It took me about ten minutes until I realized the kimchi was in a mini-fridge off to the side of the kitchen. The kitchen was new and supplied with utensils of high quality. This place must cost a fortune a month.

Breakfast consisted of fish cakes, rice, eggs, stir fried vegetables, and of course kimchi. It was eight thirty by the time I finished cooking and it also took me an hour to realize no one would be waking up anytime soon. And I didn't want to start eating without anyone.

There wasn't anything to occupy my time really which made me restless. I desperately wanted to go outside but had received strict rules from Leader Monster not to leave the apartment without him.

Quietly sliding the balcony door open, I stepped outside to breathe the air of Seoul. This view was not something I could ever get used to seeing. The clouds were grey and muggy. The Han river was huge and I could see tiny ant sized boats in the distance and the bustling of the city below me. There were a few people gathered around the building but it was nothing like the angry crowd this morning. Mainly, they stopped and took pictures but I wasn't in view from being so high up on the balcony. With the wind blowing, my tea cooled down immediately. I quietly sipped it while enjoying the view of my husband's beautiful country.

Someone was lightly shaking me.

It wasn't Namjoon's rough hand. This one was more gentle.

"Sister, wake up. You'll catch a cold."

My eyes opened to reveal equally dark round eyes staring back at me. I could see my sleeping form in the reflection of his charcoal colored eyes.

"Jungkook?" I groaned daintily as I sat up. The boy my age offered his hand for me to take, which I did thankfully.

"Good morning. Did you sleep well?" Jungkook politely asked. I could tell he was going out of his way to talk to me. Last night he seemed to be one of the more shy members.

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