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"You are my new favorite feeling."

The boys had suggested fast food for dinner. However, I knew the amount of fast food they ate was almost daily so I promised to make them a home cooked meal.

"Agh I can't remember the last time I had a home meal." Hobi sighed almost dreamily once we reached home. Jin stayed in his room to finish up a last minute assignment. While Yoongi sat at the white marble island, typing away on his laptop. The rest of the boys sat quietly, lounging around the living room either playing games or watching television. For some reason, I felt at peace knowing everyone was home and safe.

"We're eating at home today?" Yoongi looked puzzled as he gazed up at our arrival. He only glanced at me for a second before looking at his leader.

"Yeah. We eat too much junk food so Wife Monster wanted to cook." Namjoon explained. Once again my husband looked exhausted. A half smile formed on my lips at the nickname.

"What if I don't want to eat what she's cooking?" Yoongi's sudden change of tone shocked me.

"I can order something for you. Or go pick up something?" I suggested with a kind smile reaching for my wallet and keys.

"What? You think you can just come here and start controlling what we eat? How we live?" Suddenly all eyes in the room was on Yoongi and I. My face reddened as the feeling of embarrassment took over my entire body.

"I didn't mean to-" I began but the older boy cut me off.

"You're his wife. Not ours." I mentally cursed myself as tears prickled my eyes. Mostly because what he was saying was true. I didn't mean to come into their home and decide what they would eat.

"Yoongi. Don't talk to my wife like that." Namjoon spoke up but before he could say anything more, his phone rang again. I could tell he wanted to say more but the look on his face told me that it was an important phone call. "This is the manager I'll be back." said my husband before locking himself in our room for privacy.

Quickly I took the groceries from the boys and began to prepare dinner. Tears silently fell from my eyes. My vision became blurry as I cried. Thankfully my back was turned away from the rest of Bangtan and Yoongi who sitting at the island.

I was still unsure about my Korean cooking skills so tonight's dinner was grilled fish with rice and a mango salad. Dessert was a small cake piled high with fruits that we had picked up on the way home.

"Serena-ah I'm going to put your stuff in your room and then take a nap before dinner." Jungkook informed me but because of my ready eyes, I refused to turn around. So I just nodded in agreement.

"Thank you oppa." I quietly spoke trying to not make my voice shake.

Dinner was almost done when I began on the salad. The mangoes were still tough and not as ripe as I wanted them to be, but that was okay. Exerting almost all my strength to cut through the mango, I began to chop it up into little squares.

My mind wandered back to Yoongi. While he didn't seem too friendly last night, he acted as if he was okay with me. What must have I done to make him hate me? Sure, I was new and I married Namjoon out of nowhere but what wasn't any of his business.

That's when it hit me. Namjoon and I suddenly married and he just happened to be a rich celebrity. Yoongi must have thought of me as a gold digger.

Until Death Do Us Part - k.njWhere stories live. Discover now