Dating a famous Youtuber

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Colby's POV
I was on a walk and I saw Y/n with her head bleeding on the ground. She was either dead or unconscious. I grab her and put her into my car. I get into my car and drive to the hospital. At the hospital we were in 4-89 she was on the thing to see if she was still alive. The beeping stopped..
(Y/n)'S POV
I was somewhere it was white all around me. Then I heard Colby's voice "Y/n please wake up! I love you I can't lose you! You can't leave me! Stay with me! Please!" it sounds like he's crying then I heard him whisper "I love you so much". I see a flash of light and I see my body and Colby holding my hand the nurses and the doctors are in here.They make Colby leave the room. They are trying to make me come back to life. I have to stay alive for Colby! I sit up in my body on the hospital bed. I look around and the nurses look shocked. They all walk out and Colby and Sam run in and hug me tightly. I laugh a bit until my overprotective brother starts yelling. "YOU SCARED ME NEVER WALK ALONE!" His eyes have tear I smile and nod he hug me tighter.
"can't.... breath..." he lets me go and laughs a bit. Hours later of still in the hospital. We had to stay over night Sam is sleeping on the other bed across from me while Colby is sleeping in the chair beside me. I have to tv they would let me walk or do anything the doctor said I have to stay here for about a week.
It has six days Sam left to go see his girlfriend. Colby asked me to be his girlfriend. I said yes and we started to date He fell asleep afterwords. I couldn't help but laugh at him. Some of his brown hair was in front of his closed eyes. I could feel my cheeks turn red turn a Scarlet red. The doctor came in and gave me a paper for stuff I couldn't do. I was about 3 pages with things I couldn't do and one thing I could do. He left and it was thundering I hide under the covers. No one knew I was afraid of thunder not even Sam. I felt someone grab and hug me by my waist I pull the covers off my head. To see Colby he wiped the tears away from my eyes and pulled me into his chest.

Sam came back in and saw he took pictures and then Colby took his phone. I smile and heard light snoring Sam was sitting in the chair awake watching the Tv. So Colby was snoring I smile a bit. And fall asleep in his chest I wake up with my face still in Colby's chest while Sam was talking to the doctor. Colby put his arm around my waist. I feel my face heat up and Sam look at me and smirks.

"She can head home just sign this paper" the doctor hands a paper to Sam. Sam starts signing the paper with a pen. He hands it back to the doctor "She can head home when she wakes up" The doctor walks out of the room

Then I hear Colby's voice "Sam I don't know when she'll be awake." I giggle at Colby he looks at me with his goofy smile. With a little blush to his cheeks I smile and kiss his cheek. And his face turns a bright red. I smile at him

"Colby (Y/n) LETS GO!" Ugh he always finds a way to ruin the moment. I mumble he glares at me. I glare back at him he grabs his jacket"Let's go love birds!" My face turns super red Sam laughs at me.

That's the end of this chapter! Hope you liked this chapter! Bye!👋 👋

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