Cheater! Colby X reader

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I'm change this Into a one shot book and kiki828 request this!
Note:You have no kids your not married but your boyfriend and girlfriend. And Alaska is you bff pick your bffs name if you want. Also

I walk down the steps to see Colby kissing someone. "hey Colby guess you lied about us" I threw a rose at him. Today was our year anniversary and he cheated on me. I'm going to Alaskas house I drive over to her house.

~At her house~

I get to her house and we both eat ice cream as we talk about it. Why would he cheat on me. Did I do anything wrong.

~2 weeks later~

I go back to the mansion to get more of my clothes. As the girl walks up to me "listen I know you and Colby use to date b-but I have no one else to talk to... but H-He got me pregnant.." she says softly I just stare at her. I-I can't believe it. H-He used me he didn't love me. I grab my bag and I walk to Colby and I kick him where the sun doesn't shine.

"You are a liar. So much for love..." I say as I walk out of the house I drive and go to my car. I drive to my house that's beside Alaska's house. I walks in my bathroom. Should I end it all?

A/n:If a guy cheats on you don't hurt yourself because of it. This is part of the story your all beautiful in your own way. And if you want to change lance something else go ahead.

I hear my door crack and my Bathroom door breaks. And I see lance my next door neighbor. He gives me one look and knows I'm sad. He hugs me tightly and whispers nice things into my ears. I hug him back and cry into his chest. "h-he cheated on me" lance hugs me a bit tighter. I can't believe he cheated on me.

~3 weeks later~

Colby and the girl are getting married today. They finish there vows I have tears in my eyes. Lance hugs me with a smile I smile back at him. The wedding over.

~ 6 years later~

A/n: if you name is Ella sorry random name if your name has is Ella pick a different name for Colby's wife

"mommy!" my daughter Rose runs over to me with my husband lance. Colby and Ella have there child. I'm happy lance help me when Colby cheated on me. We're at rose's school we moved closer to the school. As did Colby and Ella they moved right beside us. When I was with Colby it was a mire memory to me. Then Colby found out Ella was cheating on him.

Karma sucks doesn't it Colby? Lance smiles at me and he knows how I feel right now.

End of the chapter sorry if it was bad Kiki! I tried first cheater story I've done! Sorry this is so short wanted another chapter up!

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