Colby X suicidal!Reader

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Listen before I start this chapter your worth it. Your so much more than you think! Life is hard I know it feels like your alone. Your not alone talk to your friends,family. Or call a this number 1-800-273-8255 that number is the suicide hotline. You are loved more then you think. Anyway let's get to the story my beautiful readers!
I hold the razor blade in my hand. With tears in my eyes I press it against my skin. The blood goes down my arm. I've gotten use to the pain. My eyes are close someone grabs my hand and pulls the blade away. I open my eyes to see Colby. I cry into his shoulder Colby puts alcohol on my wounds. And puts something over it. He hugs me tightly. "Please don't hurt yourself.." I look in his eyes they have tears. I hug him tightly.

I cry more into his shoulder he holds me tightly. "your worth so much to me (y/n) your the light of my life." He said.

"I-I'm sorry..." I say almost to a  whisper. Colby hugs me still i hug him back. "I love you (y/n) you are worth it" Colby gets on his knees.

"(Y/n) I love you your more loved then you think you are. Make me the happiest man alive. To becoming me wife." I start crying even more and I nod at him. He puts the ring on my finger. He stands and hugs me again. I smile and hug back. Why does
Colby like me wouldn't he pick his neighbor. I don't care anymore he asked me.

"but there is a question" he asked I look at him "Why do you feel this way?"

"I feel used, I feel like I'm not good enough, My freinds don't care how I feel.." I say gently Colby hugs me tightly.

"your not used, your right your not good your great!. If they don't care they aren't true friends.. you'll always have me,Sam,Elton,Corey,Aaron, Katrina, Devyn,Amanda, and brennen. You won't be alone anymore." He holds me close to him. I crying knowing he cares about me.
Stop thinking so down about yourself. Your beautiful! School you will always have bullies. You are stronger then they will ever be. Because you put up with them each day.  So love yourself.

Thank you for reading this chapter.  👋

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