Theif! Colby x theif!Reader-part one

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I'm (y/n) I'm The wife of the best thief in town. Colby left on a mission while I'm 8 months pregnant. So I'm close to the due date of giving birth. Yea a thief is pregnant the Soon to be Queen knows me along with the king. As I was the daughter of the king. But I got kicked out of the castle. I was alone until met colby. And Colby took me in and said I could live with him.

So I decided to live with Colby and it's been 3 years since then. We have been dating for a year now. I never leave the underground base. I feel liquid running down my legs. "Sasha! M-My water broke!"

-8 Hours Later-

I look at my beautiful daughter. I hear her cry. Sasha gives her to me. I hold her to my chest. Colby runs in the room. He stop in his tracks when he sees who I'm holding. He walks over to me and hugs me.

Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while. There will be a part 2! Sorry this chapters short FORGIVE ME READER~CHAN!

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