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I opened the door and it's a puppy. I pick it up it doesn't have a collar. I walk into the house and close the door. "Can we keep it Colby!" He smiles at me and nods.

End of flashback-

That was years ago today is (d/n)'s 6th birthday. Colby's still not back yet from the war.

Note:Yes Colby is famous and all but to make the story more interesting. So he is going to get he asked war. And Sam has been posting videos on there channel. Back to the story!

I sigh aloud as (d/n) takes her nap. It's been 4 years since Colby left. I fall asleep with (d/n).

Colby's POV

Today is the day I return back home I miss (y/n) and (d/n). I walk onto my plane to see Sam? I sit beside him "Sam what are you doing here?" Sam smiles at me.

"Glad your back but (Y/n) moved after you left cause she had to keep up with your part of the house and hers to pay. So she moved out with Bella(puppy) and (d/n)... it's her birthday today she's 6 today." Sam says to me. I bid with a smile "I'm here to take you to her apartment." I nod at him again with a bigger smile.

We get to my new home with (y/n).

(Y/n)'s pov

I wake up it's 6 Colby should be here by now. I sigh aloud maybe I forgot what day he comes home. Sam walks in and I see Colby walk in. I look at him with tears in my eyes. Colby opens his arms I run at him and hug him tightly. I start crying into his chest. "Mommy what's wrong who is that man?" (D/n) say softly

"(D/d) this is your father.... he came back from the war" (D/n) opens her eyes wide as little tears go down her face. She runs up to Colby and hugs his leg tightly. Colby picks her up and hugs us both. The whole family is back together.... Sam stands at the door with a smile.

"Uncle Sam come on get into the family hug!" (D/n) say to him Sam comes over and hugs all of us.

~That night time skip by boring car rides~

I wake up and I'm in bed I thought I was with (d/n). Colby is sleeping beside me he pulls me closer to him. "I want more babies" Colby says in his sleep my face turns Scarlet. But I start Smiling I'm happy Colby came back. (D/n) got the best Birthday ever. I look at a the time it's 7:30 am. I yawn and get out of bed. I start to make breakfast. Tomorrow is when (d/n) goes to 1st grade.

"mommy?" (D/n) walks over to me With her blankets around her.

~3 months later~

I walk out of my bathroom each morning I feel sick, Cravings, hormones. Wait am I...... "Colby can you watch (D/n) I'm going to the store" he nods with a smile.

I come back and make Colby put the food away as. I have to wait 3 minutes. I've been sitting here for 3 I look at it..... I-It's positive... I walk out to Put a Camera there to record his reaction. I press record. "Colby!!!" Colby walks in I smile at him as I hand him the pregnancy test. Colby's eyes widen. I giggle at him. "we're gonna have another kid running around!" I smile at Colby.

Colby stands there shocked. (D/n) walks in "(D/n)... your gonna be a big sister!" She dances around the room I smile at her.

~Night of July 4~(The next day)

Colby has (D/n) in his lap as for me I'm half asleep on the cover that we placed onto the ground. I have Colby's jacket on me with the extra cover over me. (D/n) gets off Colby's lap and Colby put my head there. I smile at them both as (D/n) sits beside Colby on the other side. I smile this is our first 4th of July together as a family. I start to fall asleep as Colby rubs my back.

I wake up on my bed with Colby beside me. Colby starts snoring I stand and walk out to the living room and text Sam.

Y-You S-Sam

Y-Hey Sam! Can we come over? Please Colby hasn't saw Elton. Aaron and Corey in a while

S-Yea you can

Y-Thanks Sam!

S- yep I'm gonna go tell the guys now bye 👋

Y-Bye Sam thanks again.

I smile but I run to the bathroom to puke AGAIN. Colby walks in rubbing his eyes he looks at me. And gets onto his knees and rubs my back. I smile at him but I puke again.

timeskip an 1 hour later

I told Colby that we're going to sam,Elton, Aaron, and Corey. He is dancing around in the room. (D/n) walks in with her blanket around her.

Timeskip brought to you by cupcakes!

We're with everyone the guys left to go to Suicide bridge. Devan, kaite, and Amanda Eltons girlfriend. (D/n) is sleeping as we watch (Favorite/movie). There trying to get my mind off Colby going to Suicide bridge. It's not working I look over at (d/n) with a smile.

Next morning I wake up and see Colby cooking breakfast with Sam. I stand up and walks to Colby and I hug him. Colby smiles at me and hugs back. (D/n) runs at him and hugs his leg. "I missed you dad!" (D/n) yells with happiness. I smile at her and let Colby go and Colby hugs (d/n).

"how was it?" I ask Colby. Elton walks down and says "I put blood on the board and well it looked they they were possibly sleep walking or possessed and Corey held a rock..." my eyes widen I sigh and shake my head.

Sorry if I forgot who held the rock. Hope you liked this chapter thanks for reading!

Words: 1039

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