Flashback part 4

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This story is on wattys anyway let's start the chapter!
Your POV

It's positive..... I'm pregnant.... Colby's the father.... How am I gonna tell him.... I walk to sam's room he needs to know. I knock on sams door and he opens it.

"Sam can I talk to you..." he nods "S-Sam I'm pregnant... Colby is the father..." Sam jumps with joy "I'm gonna be an uncle!"

I giggle at him "Go tell Colby now!" I walk to Colby. I hugs Colby he smiles and hugs me back. But goes back to editing his videos.

"Colby I need to tell you something" he looks at me "Your going to be a father.."  I say softly Colby's mouth opens wide.  "IM GONNA BE A FATHER!!!!!" Colby dances around the room.

I giggle at him Corey yells "COLBY SHUT UP!!!!" "COREY SHUT UP!!" Colby yells back. He hugs me I smile at him and hug him back.

2 months later

We go to the doctors and they put the gel stuff on my stomach. "your baby is healthy. And It's a girl." I smile at the screen. Colby holds my hand I smile at him.

~Time skip brought to you by cupcakes~

Colby and I get back home and he's already treading me like a baby. I sigh at him "Colby I'm fine" he lays beside me.

I wake up and Colby is gone. I feel sick and in throw up in the toilet. And I hear talking "Colby you need to tell her your sick"

Colby comes up I look at him. "Colby you need to lay down your sick" I make him lay dow on the bed. "Stay laying Colby and get some rest " he frowns at me I smile at him. And I walk down the steps.

I sit down and Katie and Devon and we watch a movie called the fault in our stars. At the end we're all crying "why Augustus! Why did you have to die!" We all yell at the tv.

Elton,Sam, and Corey laugh at us. I glare at them as they back away.  Katie laughs slightly. I lay my head onto a pillow and I fall asleep.

Katie's POV

Y/n falls asleep I put a cover on her. "where's Colby?" I look at Corey and Sam "Colby's sick" Corey says.

I sigh "What up with y/n she seems more tired everyone minute of the day" I look at Sam. "she is going to be a mother and I'm gonna be an uncle" he smiles. I Jump up and down happily along with Devon. The guys laugh at us.

I glare at them "There is someone who is pregnant so Shhhhhhhhh!" Devon also glares at them. Sam mumbles something and walks away "Guys make food!" Devon yells. I laughs slightly.

After you had the kid in the hospital

I look at my baby she's so adorable. Colby is holding her everyone in the house walks in quietly. I gave them a weak smile as Colby kisses my forehead. He sits back down with (D/n)(daughters name).

Sam is fangirling over in the corner. The doctor comes in and says "your daughter is healthy but she can go home tomorrow so if your friends stay here they got to be quite." they all nod Sam sits on the floor along with the Elton,Aaron, and Corey. As Katie and Devon sit on chairs the doctors brought in.

Colby's POV

Y/n falls asleep I put d/n back in the crib thing. Everyone is still awake but the girls. "Colby get ready endless nights of crying.." I glare at Elton "You live on the same house Elton so you'll be woken up by her to" I pull my sweatshirt hood over head so it's covering my eyes.

Time skip brought to you by cupcakes

We just got home from the hospital and (d/n) is still sleep I put her in the crib in our room. And walk down stairs and the guys are already having a bounce house in the pool. "Come on Colby join us!" Sam yells but Aaron is holding the thing so Sam won't be electrocuted along with Elton. I shake my head Sam just nods and keeps jumping around.

I don't want to get electrocuted when I just had a kid. I hear (d/n) crying and I run up to her. I give her one of her bottles. I sit in the bed and turn the tv on.

There's nothing good on and y/n is out shopping for baby clothes with Katie and Devon. So I have nothing else to do until they get back. Other than taking care of (d/n).

I start to fall asleep until I hear the door open. I walk down to see the baby outfits. The one has a little watermelon on it. I smile and kiss (y/n)'s forehead. I walk up to my room to grab (d/n).

Y/n's pov

We got so many adorable baby outfits. Colby goes back up to get (d/n). Colby comes back down with (D/n). I put some of the outfits on her "She looks so adorable!" I hold her with a smile. As I lean my head on Colby's shoulder. (D/n) starts to giggle at me and Colby.

(D/n) grabs my finger I smile at her. Colby has his head rested on my shoulder now. Until we hear a nick at the door.
Who is knocking at the door? Will it be a puppy? Or someone else?

If I spelt Corey's girlfriends name wrong sorry about that

Hope you liked this chapter!

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