Flashback-part one

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Today is my year anniversary with Colby! I have no clue what to get him so I made a list.
That's all I know of but what if he forgets?! I head to the mall with Katie. And we start shopping. I buy a new dress for myself

When we get home I get into the dress and Katie helps me cook

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When we get home I get into the dress and Katie helps me cook. Colby is gonna be home in about 30 minutes. So Katie puts some make-up on me.

Just do any make-up of your choice

"I'm home Y-N! Happy anniversary" Colby yells I heard the door close. I look at Katie she runs into my closet and hides there. I giggle at her and walk down to Colby.

After eating you give him his jacket and hoodie. He hugs me "Thanks y/n" he lets me go and gets onto his knee. And pulls out box

"Y/N L/N I loved you since I met you and it would make me the happiest man alive if you said yes" he opens the box. " Y/N L/N will you marry me?"

I can't speak I'm crying tears of joy I smile at him and nod. He smiles and puts the ring on my ring. And he hugs me I hug back. I see kaite at the steps fangirling. "Colby you need to call Sam..." he looks at me and then sees kaite.

"FINALLY YOU ASKED HER!!!" Katie screams with joy. Colby glares at her and kaite runs out the front door. I smile at Colby and hugs him. Colby hugs back. My eyes still stained from crying tears of joy.

Days later I've been planning the wedding not much sleep. Colby is out with the guys recording a vlog. My phone starts ringing.I look at it and it's my mom

Y-(you) M-(mom) D-(Dad)

Y-Mom what's up?

M-Y-Your father is really sick

Y-W-What? Mom I'll try to come but if I don't make it tell him I'm getting married...

M-I'll tell him*Puts it on speaker* I told him

D-I'm so happy for you y/n..... I wish I could be there at the wedding..... I don't know if I'll make it....

Y-Dad I love you....

D-I love you too pumpkin(his nickname for you)

The beeping stops.


Doc-You need to get out for now

M-*Takes off speaker*Y/n Y-Your father he died

Y-Mom when Colby comes home I'll tell him and come back home...

M-I love you*Hangs up*

I start crying and I hear the door open. And 4 people talking but it all stop. "Guys go play X-Box I'll be over in a bit" I then feel 2 arms around my waist. "(Y/n) are you ok?" Colby says

"'M-My father died and I'm going back to my home town...." I say with tears in my eyes. "I'm coming with you the guys    Can stay home and try not to break the place" Colby smiles at me.

Back to my hometown I walk inside my house. "I'm home mom" I have my bag on my back and Colby holds my hand. My mom walk down the steps. I Smile at her and she Hugs me.

"Is this you fiancé?" I nod at her. She walks and grabs a list and hands it to Colby

Colby's POV

I get a letter

Dear my daughters fiancé,
      Don't hurt my daughter don't cheat on her. Make her happy for me... If you asked her to marry you she must be special to you. I wrote this because I knew I would be around for this. I didn't want to tell her. Take good care of my little pumpkin.
Thank you

Y/n's pov

Colby smiles as he reads the letter and hugs me. My mom shows us our room but Colby has to be in the guest room. "Mom why can't he be with me? We're soon going to be married." She looks at me and smiles slightly and walks out.

I sigh and turn my lights off. I lay down on my bed and pull the covers up to my chin. I face the wall and I hear the door open. I feel two arms wrap around my waist. I smile and fall asleep.

Next morning I smell food and Colby not by my side. And I hear talking

Part one of your flashback hoped you liked this chapter

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