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The guys put up a bounce house full of giant balls As they say. I sit with (d/n) watching them (d/n) wants to go in but there is pool toys, the balls. And everyone is jumping into it. Now there moving it into the pool. Colby got hit in the head with the ball.

As me and (d/n) are sitting in the hot tub. She sits beside me and Colby throws the ball and it hits Jake upside the head. I giggle and so does (d/n) and. They let the air out of the bouncy house. (D/n) frowns and rubs her eyes from tear. "You wanna make a cake (d/n)" I ask her. Her face lights up and she nods with happiness. I stand up and we walk to the kitchen.

We grab the pancake mix and all the ingredients. I mix them all together and we put it in the over. I make some chocolate icing. And grabs the sprinkles, chocolate chips. The cake is decorated and done. And we eat the cake.

~an hour later~

(d/n) walks in with a yawn. I smile at her "Wanna watch a movie?" I ask her she nods I pick her up and walks down the step. "dude you too the prank to far..... she hasn't talked to you since it happened..." I walk to the movie film. I set her down and she walks to the shelfs. She picks frozen and we go back up and I put the movie into the tv.

right now im 8 months Pregnate and Colby is still doing his stupid pranks. I lay down and watch Frozen with (D/n). She start to fall asleep and colby walks in "I'm sorry (Y/n)" I smile at him. And my water breaks "Colby M-My water J-just broke"

after the birth time skip brought to you by cupcakes

I lay there on the hospital bed as colby holds our son (S/N)(son's name). Everyone comes in (D/n) walks to my bed and sits beside me on a chair. I smile at (d/n) Devon sits in the chair. The doctor comes in and says I come home tomorrow. Colby sits beside me on the other side. 

Next time  brought to you by Colby's sweatshirt

It's been 3 months I've had (S/n) and Elton brought us back to New Zeland. There doing the Sky Swing. Colby wants to to do the swing with (D/n) So there doing into together while Elton, Corey,and Sam are doing it together. I watch it as Colby and (D/n) swing she is screaming and crying. She runs to me and hugs my leg I smile at her. I pick her up and hold her and I hold the Stroller just in case. Colby picks her up and holds her I watch as Sam,Corey,and Elton go they start screaming.

(D/n) starts giggling at them. And we're on the beach riding horses and since I have (s/n) I can't ride a horse Colby's is holding horses. I put (d/n) onto the horse. And hold the horse and walk with the horse. (S/n) is giggling.

That night in the camper Colby had to sleep with Sam and Corey. I slept on the bed in the back With (d/n) and (S/n). (D/n) has her stuffed animal.

I wake up to (s/n) crying I know he's hungry I put the cover around me as I freed him. Everyone else is sleeping I'm staying in the camper tomorrow with the kids. Colby jumps off the bed and sees me feeding (s/n) he sits down and puts his head on my shoulder. He has his arms around me.

I wake up in the camper is driving. (S /n) is still beside me I smile and hold him. Colby is beside me playing on his phone while (d/n) is sleeping still. "what time is it?" I look at Colby."7 am" he say. I nods at him and yawn i fall back asleep.

~Colby's POV~

(Y/n) falls asleep I smile at her. Sam is in the drivers seat Corey on his phone. I'm happy I have (y/n) in my life and my 2 kids. There the light of my life wow that was cheesy. The camper comes to a stop and Corey gets off "Let's go Colby!"

"I'm staying here!" I yell back (y/n) moves in her sleep. I walk to shut the camper door and lock it. I sit back down and (d/n) wakes up.

Y/n's pov

The guys got back and we're up. We're going out to eat. And tomorrow we're going home. At the restaurant we're sitting there the guys went to play the games. As there cooking food I have (d/n) and (s/n) are with me.

Next day timeskip brought to you by puppies! 🐕 🐶

We're on the plane I have to deal with the kids while Colby is with Sam and Corey is with Elton. I buckle (s/n) up along with (d/n). (S/n) falls asleep with his blanket and pillow. (D/n) is on my phone playing a game. I can't wait to be home. Take a nice nap in a nice bed good food.

Time skip to a week after your home

I walk in the house from shopping with Katie. We both look around and see stuff fallen on the floor. "hello? Guys this better not be a prank." I say say as look around and I walk up to Colby's room. Kate follows me I told Kate to stay at the steps. She nods as I walks to my room I share with Colby. I see a shadow and someone scares me I hit them. And I pull the mask off the see Elton. "Elton! I'm so sorry!" I apologize over and over. He smiles and says it's fine and walks down the stairs as Kate and I laugh.

(D/n) runs up to me and hugs me by my leg. I smile at her and pick her up. "You hit grandma..." she says as she giggles.

Thanks for reading this chapter! And if you have any questions of any other chapters ask me! 😁

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