Cheater! Colby X Dying! Reader

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It then turns into a Angle! Colby X Angle! Reader. And I forgot to say that this idea was from another story. I want to give the author credit. But I forget who wrote the story.
I'm in the hospital. Yes I'm dying but it's killing me slowly. Colby should be here by now but he's not.. My mom is in the room along with my father and sister/brother. My nurse comes back in "Mrs.Brock?" I look at her

"This is hard for me to say... But you have cancer... it's to Late we couldn't do anything.. It's to late" the nurse said. My mom starts sobbing my dad has tears in his eyes while he holds my mom. My sister/brother hugs me and yells "No! She can't die!" While she is sobbing. I smile gently at her as I hug her.

Colby walks in with his hair messy then it normal is. My dad,mom, and sister leave the room. I look at Colby's neck to see a hickey.. the nurse lets me go home. Since she can't do anything.

~at your house~

"I want a divorce (Y/n)" Colby's says while my son is up in his room. I just nod at him "But for 30 days I want it to be the same. You carry me to the couch each day"

-day 1-

Colby wakes me up and picks me up bridal style in his arms. As we walk down to the living room "Dad and mom siting in a tree k-I-s-s-I-n-g!" My son yells. Colby places me down on the couch and walks out the door. He doesn't know I have cancer..

-day 20-(Colby's POV)

I pick (y/n) up she seems super pail. I don't care anymore Only 10 more days till it's over between us. I walk down the steps and put her on the couch. My son smiles at me. As I walk out of the house.

-at his job-
Spirit-Colby's other girl who he's *Starts the song* BANG BANG INTO HER-*Gets hit with a book*

Spirit walks to me and puts her arms around my neck and she kisses my cheek. I smile softly

-day 30-

I pick (y/n) I realize how much I love her. I carried her like this on our wedding day. Witch is tomorrow I walks down the steps and place her on the couch. As I kiss her on her forehead I walk out the door.

-2 hours later-

I called off the divorce papers and I broke up with spirit. I walk home with flowers. To see (y/n) dead on the couch with my son Gray crying screaming for her to some back. Her head is on in her lap. "mom! DONT LEAVE ME! PLEASE!" He crying louder. I grab the phone and call 911.

"hello what is your emergency?"
"My wife she's dead!"
~after call~

"Gray get some toys to bring" gray nods and walks to his room "I'm so sorry (Y/n) please forgive me I love you so much.. don't leave me..." I start crying

~when gray is 18~

Gray moved out of the house he was 17 when (y/n) died. I start on a 7 floor building. "Colby! Don't do that get away from the edge!" (Y/n)'s  voice yells at me. "I want to be with you my love..." I jump off the building.

Suicide is not the answer. Your beautiful stay true to yourself!

I wake up with wings on my back? I see (y/n) run and hug me tightly. "Why did you jump Colby..." she said to me "I love you and I realized I couldn't live without you.." I say as I hug her back.

"Colby I died because of cancer.. you never realize it..." I look at her "I'm sorry (Y/n)"

Never hurt the people you love. Cause one day they may not be there.

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