Flashback part 2

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Colby,Sam,Corey,Elton and I are going to Back New Zealand. So we're on the plane now. Colby and I have been married for a year. I haven't told him im pregnant. Not yet he has so much on his mind as it is. With his channel, meeting fans.

I smile at Colby slightly he smiles back at me. I fall asleep on Colby's shoulder.

Colby's POV

Y/n falls asleep on my shoulder. She's been more tired lately. I asked Kate and she said she might be pregnant. Why hasn't she told he what's wrong.

We get into New Zealand I wake y/n up. And we got into the car she yawns again. An hour later we get into the rv. y/n pulls the latter out and climbs up to the top. And she falls asleep I put the latter back up. I sigh "Dude why is she sleeping so much" Corey says

"Elton please drive safe... I think y/n's pregnant... please..." I say scared Elton will jolt the car.Elton gets into the drivers seat and says "Colby calm down I'll drive safe" he starts the car.

Y/n wakes up with the rv at a stop and Im beside me. I begin to speak softly
"Y/n I know your pregnant" she looks surprised. But she starts crying "I-I'm sorry I didn't tell you Colby... I was worried you were to stressed..." she sobs into my shirt.

"Y-Y/n your fine I understand don't cry please" I hold her closer to me. And her sobs stop as she falls asleep. I smile and hold her and I fall asleep.

Y/n's POV

I wake up the rv is moving and Colby is still beside me. Colby is awake talking to Sam and Corey. I smile at him and I get off the bed. And I feel sick and I run to the bathroom. I throw up in the toilet.

Colby hold my hair up "Sam can you grab crackers and ginger ail?" Colby asks him. He nods and grabs them. I lean my head on Colby's shoulder. And I nibble on the crackers. And sip the ginger ail.

Colby puts my hair in a ponytail. I smile at him. "Is she sick?!" Sam yells. I forgot to tell Sam "S-Sam I forgot to tell you... But I-I'm pregnant...." I say softly

"IM GONNA BE AN UNCLE!!!" Sam yells with joy as he dances around. Everyone laughs at Sam. I start to get hungry "Guys do we have an pickles and pizza?" I ask.

"we have pickles but we have no pizza" Corey says I start to cry. Everyone goes pale but Colby. He hugs me and I stop crying and I hug him back. "Elton can we we stop and get pizza?" Colby asks him.

"yes sure!" He starts to drive to a pizza place. Colby smiles at me and I smiles back at him. I lean onto Colby's chest.

Author note:

Quick update sorry it's not long update when I can!

Please comment put after the flashback I want to be Sequel but I don't know please comment if you want a sequel.


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