Dancer! reader x colby- part 1

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Well I'm a dancer. Yea surprise there for me I'm a back up dancer for music videos. And today I have to dance for Colby Brock. I had to watch some of his videos. I have to admit he was pretty cool! And pretty hot *lets out a nervous laugh*

Can I just say how hot he is! 🤤 so hot. Ok we're getting off topic. I have 3 days to learn the back up dance. 3 days to record the video. And 1 days just to hang out. So I have 7 days to do all of this. That means 7 days that I'll be seeing him and I'll never see him again! 😭 and I got the dance sent to me so I could try a bit of it.
dance-(cause why not?)

That was the dance we have to learn. I have been practicing a little bit. But today is the day I go to Los Angelus, California! I'm going to be meeting Colby!

-day 1-

Today is day one this is they day everyone just hangs out. And gets to know everyone the only person I need to know I possibly Colby. And the camera man. That's basically it for me meeting people.

Well I met Colby and the camera man. I thought Colby would only care about money but he isn't like someone other people.

He's... Different

I'll be writing a part 2 when school gets out. And I know another short chapter. But I don't want my grades to start slipping. And I'll start part two maybe tomorrow or this week. Since school is almost over I can start writing a bit more! But thank you guys! I've never written a book where people actually liked it 😂.

But requests are closed until school ends. And yea! Happy memorial day weekend. 🤷‍♀️ anyway I hope you liked this short chapter!

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