Theif! Father! Colby x theif! Mother! (Y/n)

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I pick up (d/n) with a smile. Colby is out on a job again. He said he wants to save money for (d/n). But I can't cuddle with anyone. Tommorow is he first birthday I don't know if Colby is going to be there.

I got news from Sam that the king is looking for me. I sigh and I need to get the party ready for tommorow. The chefs are baking a cake.

-next day-

We got news that Colby had been taken to the castle. So I'm going there now Sam is watching (d/n).

I walk into the castle guards surrounded me. My father walks down with a smirk "Ah my daughter is back. Your marriage has been place you'll be marrying Prince (R/n)"

(R/n- random name)

I stare at him. "take her to the cells" he says the guards take me and throw me into the cell. They close the door and lock it. I let out a whimper I see the window. I can't get to it.

-an hour later-


I look up from my cell to see Colby. He opens the cell he hugs me tightly. I hug him back. He grabs my hand and we run up the steps.

We get out of the castle and we run to the walls. I climb the latter and Colby follows. (you know what's he's staring at 😏) we get on the wall to see a rope. I climb down the rope. Colby follows me.

-back at da camp-

I sit around the fire while Colby goes to talk to Sam. (d/n) runs to me and sits on my lap. She hugs me and giggles. I smile at her and I hug her back.

-goes black and

That is the story of the two who passed all there obstacles by protecting each other. People say it's a legend but who knows?

I didn't know what to put for the end I tried. Sorry 😐 I wanted to start working on the Christmas chapter.

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