Jason Grace and Being Part Cat Isn't Really That Fun

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5:00 AM, on the first day of Summer break, Thalia graced the world by screaming in my ear. "GET UP!!!!" she screeched still right in my ear.

Today, was the day we got sent of to camp because we​ were...uhm less than normal. "Jason!" Thalia screamed again, this time flapping black and purple wings in my face. I sat up and glared at her as she fumbled around on my nightstand trying not to knock everything off.

Annoyed, I pushed her off and she skwaked irritability at me before landing ungracefully on her butt on the floor, looking human enough to at least get breakfast.

We rolled our carry-on suitcases down the stairs, grabbed a peice of buttered toast each from the counter, and silently made our way out to the car where our mom was waiting impatiently.

She brought us to the airport and drove off without saying a single word to us, leaving us to fly from California to New York alone.

As we were about to step onto the plane Thalia hesitated, "aw, don't tell me you're still afraid of heights are you?" I asked teasingly.

"Don't tell me your still gay are you?" She snapped back and angrily stomped onto the plane.

I sighed and followed.

Most of the five hour trip was spent staring at the clouds outside the plane. And when we got off the plane Thalia was so excited to be on the ground again she sprinted past three terminals and nearly slammed into a row of chairs, scaring some poor Japanese tourists who I don't think will be visiting America again any time soon. (I actually did this...T_T)

From there we caught a taxi and went as far was we could go before having to walk to the camp on foot. As we emerged into a large open area Thalia stopped.

I looked back at her and she was staring at a large tree. "I...For some reason I feel like this tree should be important to me..." She said biting her lip thoughtfully.

"maybe you pissed on it in a past life or something" I said sarcastically rolling my eyes. "Jason Grace you unsympathetic jerk!" She shouted at me annoyed and grabbed the back of my sweater to pull me along as she walked down to camp.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw something move. I flicked my head towards it and spotted a small animal about the size of a squirrel. I... I want to chase it...

I slapped myself right then and there. No, the last thing I wanted was to let instinct take over and end up stuck in a tree with no way down.

Oops, too late. I sprinted off growing shorter by the second until I was on all fours with ears and a tail. I chased after the now shocked little creature without any control over my own body.

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