Percy Jackson and The Grandma From Tartarus

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I sat in my seat fidgeting with my hands and anything sanitary around me.

I set my head back on the seat and gazed out the window, I hated flying. From the moment the plane was high enough to kill is if we fell until the moment the plane touched down, I felt as if some unseen 'miracle' would strike us out of the sky.

I unwillingly​ drifted to sleep as the plane jittered uneasily.  A few hours later I woke as the plane shifted back and forth, steadily approaching the landing pad.

I stared up at the ceiling as select events of my dream flooded back. It had been another weird dream where a bunch of the shows I'd seen, books I'd read, and things in real life had been thrown together. Those dreams always had the darkest undertones and I was always trying to accomplish something. Run away, escape, get to the end, or something else but I could never win.

I saw a large room at one point, and at another point I saw the top of a building, and I was pretty sure I saw Nico and Jason.

As passengers filed of the plane I met up with the group outside the terminal.

Thalia seemed generally confused about how we had gotten to Ohio. Piper took Annabeth by the arm and led everyone out of the airport and before realizing that she had no idea where to go.

The finding our way to Ohio had taken all day and going to getting the box now was out of the question, everyone was exhausted. We'd have to the following night. "Some of my family lives around here" I said looking down the street, "we can stay there untill tomorrow night"

The group of tired teens gratefully followed me for the fifteen minute walk to the house of my nightmares.

When we got there, I knocked loudly on the door and dashed behind the nearest person, Jason Grace. "Percy?" He asked, and I quietly hissed "shhh" in response.

A familiar short woman with a greying bob haircut opened the door, "Yes?". I took a sharp, deep breath and leaned out from behind Jason "Heeeeey, Grandma" I said awkwardly. "Perseus? What are you doing here?" She asked as if she half the I had come to mug her.

I vaguely explained the situation and then hid behind Jason again, as discreetly as possible.

"Uh, yes" Jason picked up "we're on a school trip and we don't have anywhere to stay for the night, could we stay with you?"

I could feel my grandmother's eyes peircing my skull through Jason, "you go to school?" She asked. I mimicked her sassily, although she couldn't see me through my Jason sheild.

The harpie woman finally let us in and gave the nine of is her living room for the night.

Annabeth and Piper claimed the couch, Leo claimed the armchair, Frank could act as his own and Hazel's pillow, and I curled up under the coffee table, leaving Thalia and Jason to awkwardly lay against the couch.

I smiled to myself, it was one of those things that made you happy even though it wasn't funny.

I waited about an hour before crawling out from under the coffee table and quietly moving against the wall on the other side of the room. My Grandma's house looked like a witch hut, but she acted like a harpie. Or maybe she was a balloon full of poison, just waiting to explode and burn you.

I began humming Scarborough Fair into the silence.

"Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme" a smooth voice sang along to the melody. "You like that song?" I directly asked Jason's back.

He sat up to look at me and shrugged. I put my head on my knees and Jason slowly got up to sit against the wall with me. "I don't bite" I told him, noticing how he carefully moved around me.

"Do you not like me and Thalia?" He asked me, "i'm just awkward" I replied looking away. I could feel him smiling.

He laughed quietly, "what's with you and your grandma though?". "You don't understand!" I whispered loudly, "that woman is a demon!". He nodded and managed to keep a straight face for about five seconds before losing it.

"Stop laughing!" I hissed pathetically, waving my arms.

A shuff was heard from down the hall and Jason and I scrambled back to our respective places right before the harpie woman came around the corner. She looked around then turned and went back to her room.

Jason and I silently agreed just to go to sleep.

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