Percy Jackson and the Psycho Box

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Don't play music yet.

I walked quietly at the back of the group with Nico on my back. Jason kept glancing at me oddly, probably wondering​ how I had been chosen for this quest in the first place.

I couldn't blame him, all I did when we were being attacked was run around and scream.

"Guys" I said, "yeah?" Piper responded. "We don't have any money left" Everyone stopped.

"Um, we could hitch hike" Piper offered.

"Or, steal some money" Leo thought out loud, before being shut down by Jason.

"Why do we need money?" Thalia asked obliviously.

"I have a great idea" Nico grumbled from my back "let's sell the bird chic. It's not like we need her that much"

"I swear, I'll chop you into pieces and feed you to Jason!" Thalia snapped, "please don't" Jason mumbled.

"Guys!" I spoke up and gestured for them all to follow. I led them to a park that was suprisingly busy for the time of night. "I can just perform. And my trusty half-cat friend can help"

I was greeted with silence, until Jason blurted "wait, you mean me?!". A chorus if laughter erupted from the group as all the girls shoved Jason forward. "W-wait what?" He sputtered as he failed to push against the strength of four giggling girls. I grabbed his wrist and dragged him along as a quartet of squeals was heard.

When we were standing in the middle of the park. "Turn into a cat please!" I told him and he shrank down the second no one was looking.

I bent down to look at him, "I'll perform first and you perform second" I said and smiled as he gave me a look.

I plucked my phone from my pocket and chose a song that would be fun to dance to.

Play music.

The music began playing over my phone's unusually loud speakers. I spread my arms and let the music wash over me.

Then jumped into motion as the music intensified. The faster it went, the faster I went.

I spun continuously on one foot and whipped my leg around each time to keep momentum. My body gave way to the music and before long it was moving on it's own.

A crowd began to assimilate and tossing money into a small bag that Jason found who knows where.

Each time there was a burst of sound I flipped back or spun onto the ground, jumping back up with only the slightest of motions. Years of performing at camp made it easy. Jason's electric blue eyes flashed out in the crowd and we made eye contact as I spun mid air.

I shot him a quick smile. This was my way of making money as well as impressing the cute little cat sitting by the money bag.

Did I love him? It was possible, I found everything he did cute. There was also the fact a weird impulse to hide behind him just because I felt safe around him. Was that love? Did I want to feel love int he first place?

I smiled as I flipped over and sideways. I guess it couldn't be helped.

I landed one last time with one arm out to the side and the other raised high above my head.

People clapped and tossed more money in the bag, coins landing with small metallic clinks. I bowed and bent down to pick up the pale cat.

"And now! My cat will be giving you all a very special performance as thanks for watching and helping me and my friends make it back home!" I announced, getting a mortified look from Jason.

I sat down and held him infront of me, then pressed play on another song.

I shook his paws and moved Jason cat so that he was dancing along with the music.

People awwed and laughed as Jason danced. More money was tossed into the bag and when the cat song was over I bowed one more time, made Jason bow, grabbed the money, and walked back to present my earnings to the group.

Jason was now hovering a foot over my head, "that was the single most embarrassed I have ever been" he scowled. "I thought it was cute" I said and his scowl turned into a smirk.

With a sudden realization I turned heel to run but was caught. Jason squeezed me in a backwards hug and spun me around.

"No" I shreiked pathetically as he spun around and around. When he finally stopped we both collapsed.

It took a while to finally get back on track. Hazel picked up the rusty box from where she had placed it on the grass and as she was handing it to Frank it snapped open and both of them fell to the ground.

The box dragged what looked like a long string of light from both of them before slamming shut and locking back into place.

No one could say anything and I slowly edged forward to pick up the psycho box. Holding onto it as if it could turn into it's guardian rust monster at any second.

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