Jason Grace and the Monster

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I busied myself with tossing aside bricks from the giant pile in front of the entrance.

Somewhere behind me I heard a sliding noise like someone rubbing two tiles together, then a metallic click and a shriek. I turned around and The next thing I knew I was holding a shaking Percy in my arms.

"Are you okay?" I asked, and he barely managed to say "holy fuck". I gently placed him down and as soon as I let go his legs collapsed beneath him. I picked him up and held him there until he could walk again. "Wha-" I began but was cut off by a colossal impact slamming into my back. I shot forward like a bullet and was barely saved by Frank's chub.

A turquoise and brown monster stood towering over us. If not for the Slenderman-like appendages protruding from the beast's back, the creature looked like a metal Loch Ness Monster.

It let out a shrill, grinding shriek and lunged at Percy who swiftly shoved the contents he was carrying into Thalia's arms. The monster then lunged at her as she threw it blindly, sending it spiraling towards my head. A large root caught it inches before collision with my face, only then did I remember that we had abilities.

I shifted in seconds, Frank and Thalia following suit. The three of us clawing, bitting, and confusing the monster while Annabeth, Thalia, and Nico shot, damaged, and bound the monster as well as they could. Leo even managed​ to disassemble one of it's legs, but it wasn't enough.

Hazel listened to the monster's movements and began barking orders to us to help us avoid the monster's wild thrashing about.

Percy ran and wrestled the box from Nico's plant, before racing back to the blocked entrance. The monster veered it's hideous head towards him, rose up tall, shreiked, and charged like a bull. I spun around as Percy let out a sound like a wounded animal, the sound had deep, rolling undertones that swept over everyone.

Everyone froze, even the monster, and a deep, foreboding fear set in. Hazel let out a cry of distress and several people collapsed to the ground.

The monster's eyes become crazed and fearful as it reared up as tall as it could be. All of it's tentacles began to thrash wildly in different directions and everyone who wasn't already on the ground fell to the floor.

The creature continued to shriek as I carefully crept forward towards it. With a single leap of faith I sprung forward and began clawing at a single point in the beast. Coming to their senses, the others attacked the same point as well. A blurry storm of claws, teeth, plants, fire, ice, metal, and feathers barraged the monster's rusted chest, breaking through the shell.

When the dust cleared, all that remained was a pile of old metal and useless gears.

I let out a shuddering sigh and let myself​ grow until my paws were replaced with shaking hands.

"W-what hap-ppened?" Piper stuttered out, clutching her girlfriend's arm for dear life. No one responded, whatever it was had been the reason we were able to defeat the thing.

Everyone sat or lay silently on the ground. After a five minutes people began moving again, and after ten minutes we were out on the streets with the sealing box.

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