Percy Jackson and his Useless Ability

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Percy's POV, btw

I walked out of my musky cabin and streached towards the sun. I was so stiff. Well, that's what I get for falling asleep on the floor. I started walking over to the big house and heard yelling.

I looked around to see a girl I'd never seen before chasing a cat that was chasing  a tiny newborn hound dog yelling "Jason! Come back!" At the top of her lungs. I mentally noted not to get involved.

Of course that went down the drain when the death hound pup came running in my direction and jumped on me to protect itself from the 'oh so vicious' house cat.

I was promptly crushed when the cat and girl both landed on me as well. After a few seconds the weight suddenly doubled.

The pup managed to wiggle free and ran off leaving me to be crushed. "Off....Please" I managed to wheeze out and the weight was relieved.

"Sorry" said a new voice and I turned to see a blonde with the girl who was chasing the cat. I looked around looking for the cat from earlier and looked up at the girl while getting up. "Did you get the cat?" I asked and the blonde decided to go out of his way to avoid eye contact with me. "Uh, that was me..." He said.

I stretched my back out again and groaned. "Ah, well gotta go" I said kinda awkwardly and walked off to find Chiron. I had almost forgotten what I was supposed to be doing in the first place.

I was supposed to be helping Chiron fix the battle dummies that one of my best friends, Grover, accidentally destroyed by trying to roast marshmallows too close to them.

Well, at least the marshmallows didn't taste like burned battle dummy.

When I got to the big house I sat down and began fixing the dummies. I just had to refill the fabric ones with sand and patch them back up, but I would need to get some of the guys from Group Apollo to help me make new wooden ones.

I smiled to myself, now Grover owed me five blue muffins. Yum, the people in the Satyr Cabin sure can cook. Don't asked who named each Cabin, it wasn't me. Whoever named them sure liked them some Greek mythology though.

"You'd never expect a pretty boy to be able 't sew" said a familiar voice behind me.

"Chiron, I am not a pretty boy. Not even close" I responded amused. "Wouldn't you rather be training your ability with the others?" He asked and sat down to work on some other dummies.

I chuckled, "there's really no need, there's not much you can do with an ability like mine" I said and tied a knot to finish of another dummy. "Hey, I gotta go. I'll be back later" I said standing up. As I left the door I called back "there are some new campers by the way! They're a real interesting pair!"

I hummed a peppy tune as I made my way to the lake, stopping at the camp garden to visit Grover.

"Guess who's giving me muffins tomorrow" I said as I walked up behind Grover who was sitting in the middle of some strawberry bushes "you!" I said and poked the back of his head.

"Percy your going to get fat" he laughed and threw a handful of leaves at my face. "How rude!" I smiled and continued to the lake.

It was a giant pool of natural heavan just for me.

I didn't bother changing and jumped right into the lake, breaking it's smooth reflection of the sky. I swam up for breath and looked around, it looked as if I was swimming in the morning sky itself. I flipped onto my back and stared at the actual sky as the water parted around me.

Peace, for a while it felt like nothing was wrong with the world. No hunters, no drama, no death, no hurt, no nothing. The heartbreaking bittersweetness melted away.

I was awoken from my stasis when my head gently knocked against the edge of the dock and I pulled myself up and out of the water.

What had seemed like only half an hour had turned out to be several hours and the sun was already high in the sky, shedding it's light all over camp.

As I walked under a cluster of trees I shook like a dog and sat down.

Eyes closed, I concentrated on my vocal chords and made a rolling humming sound deep in my throat. The invisible waves of sound seemed to seep into the air, creating a soft breeze that rustled the trees all around me and I smiled in satisfaction. It wasn't good for battle, it didn't create anything useful, it wasn't good for much of anything really but it was mine and for some reason or another I loved it.

I got up and streached, my clothes all stuck to my body making my movements a bit awkward. Well, that's what I get for being too lazy to put on a bathing suit.

Time to go back to camp and set up lunch and reset up the fixed dummies. Yawning a little, I made my merry way back to camp, leaving behind my sacred pool of isolation to wait in the thicket.

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