Jason Grace and the Day Lost in The Woods

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I watched as Percy picked up the box from beside Frank and Hazel's unconscious bodies.

I stepped forward "careful". He turned his eyes towards me and gave me a gentle smile. "I wouldn't want my ability anyways" he almost whispered and I realized, the box had sucked away Frank and Hazel's abilities.

We shook Frank and poured water in his face until he woke up and from there he carried Hazel. We hurried out of Athens as quickly as possible and soon we were in dense forest. It was too dark to see anything that wasn't an inch infront of your face.

I stumbled in the darkness and grabbed onto someone, bringing​ them down with me. We landed with a crunch. I tried to get up but I was kept down by what felt like an entanglement of dry Vines or branches.

Muffled and far off voices came from both infront and behind us. "Hello?" Percy called out beside me.

I couldn't see so all I did was wrap my arms around him and shout "guys?!" This time I didn't hear any voices.

I felt Percy's arms wrap around my waist. I shifted slightly and was stabbed in the side by the rusted turqoise box, and I slowly fell asleep praying that the box wouldn't​ suck my power from me while I slept.

I woke up disgruntled and confused. The first thing I noticed was Percy holding on to me for protection and I blushed wildly, then I noticed the box at my side and swiftly threw it off to the side. I looked around to find the mess of branches was still there. I kicked up with one foot, trying not to wake Percy.

I succeeded but ended up cutting my cheek in the process. I gently shook him awake. Percy gazed around with half open eyes, looking cute as all hell.

I helped him out of the pit we were in and he groggily retrieved the turquoise box from where I had thrown it.

He seemed to come to his senses as he looked​ around and realized that we were alone.

He seemed generally unable to grasp the fact that we were completely separated from the group lost in the woods.

"Oh my god" he breathed, "come on, we need to find the others" he said.

I nodded and grabbed his hand. He seemed surprised by this action but didn't say anything. 'So we don't get separated' I told myself.

After a while of walking we stopped by a huge tree to rest. I sat down on a rock and spotted a some berry bushes. "Do you think that those are poisonous?" I asked pointing at the white berries. He picked a berry off one of the bushes and inspected it, "Yes" he responded.

"How do you know?" I asked bending down to look at the white berry in his hand. "White berries are pretty much always poisonous. My mom told me" he explained and grinned happily at being able to share his knowledge of random berry bushes.

"What was your mom like?" I asked and Percy sat down next to me. "I guess she was nice." He told me, "I kind of have a hard time establishing opinions about people".

He paused for a second, "except maybe-" then he stopped.

I looked it at him and met stunning green eyes. "Jason?" He asked, as if debating whether or not I was really infront of him.

"I think I love you"

I froze, and for a few seconds not even my heart dared to beat. He averted his gaze and I suddenly longed for those eyes to look at me again. "I love you too" the words rolled off my tongue as if I had been waiting to say them all my life.

He looked back at me with a stunned look that soon turned to joy as he hugged my neck.

I hugged back. Just like that he had become my hope, my everything, the one person I trusted most.

We continued to journey through the forest, talking and laughing. A warm bubbly feeling took over all my senses and logic. Just because I was with him, anger and sadness felt like far off memories.

I even forgot about the ticking vacuum bomb that my possible boyfriend was holding.

Several hours felt like a few minutes and before I knew it I heard an assortment of voices calling out things like "Percy","Kitty", "Perseus","Jason","Bro",and "Bricks for brains! Where the hell are you?!?!".

Percy and I called back happily. I heard a snap and the next thing I knew I was on the ground. The last thing I heard before I blacked out being the sound of Percy's voice yelling.

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