Percy Jackson and the Quest

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I sat on the edge of my bed kicking my legs weakly, bored.

I could go to the lake, but I didn't feel like it. I could practice or do something useful, but I didn't feel like it. I could go find Nico or Leo, but guess what? I didn't feel like it.

So, I flung myself back into my bed and stared at the ceiling. A hollow knock came from the other side of my door and I found Chiron waiting​for me.

He told me to come with him, and so I did. When we got to the big house he said "there's someone I'd like you to meet" and led me into a side room. A well dressed man was sitting in a chair with his hands folded in his lap.

I suddenly became aware that I was still wearing the bright purple cloth around my waist over my shorts and my hair was messy and unbrushed.

The man scoffed at my appearance, "Are you a gypsy boy" he spat. "Well, that's what I was aiming for" I retorted sharply, at least I had put on a shirt. "Peter Johnson was it?" He asked looking me up and down again, "Percy, actually" I responded Sully and Chiron gently elbowed me in the back.

"Well, Peter" he said standing up, "I am Dionysus, I represent this camps founders. The gods". I stayed silent, he continued, "they will be sending you and some of your friends on a rather important quest in two days and felt it necessary to tell you in advance". "Why?" I asked and he tauntingly Pat my shoulder, "because you are especially weak". I brushed him off dismissively, "then why not send someone else instead", then walked out of the big house.

Dionysus's words rang in my head, "you are weak". I huffed and stalked of to do something more productive.

The next two days seemed to crawl on and on. During that time I hardly spoke to my friends. I couldn't decide wether us going on a quest was good or bad.

I dragged my feet along the ground as I walked to the pavilion on the morning of the third day. Chiron was already waiting at the front to announce his news. "Attention campers!" He said loudly, "a new quest has been scheduled and we have been informed on which campers will be going"

Clarrise La Rue, a powerful girl will unnatural strength, crossed her arms confidently. I turned my eyes to the pavilion floor.

"Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Hazel Lavesque, Frank Zhang, Leo Valdez, Jason Grace, Thalia Grace, Nico Di Angelo, and Piper McLean will be departing in a few hours"

"What?!" Several campers from the Ares cabin shouted. "Them?" They yelled "you're sending a bunch of weaklings and common workers on a quest?! Not to mention they're all g-" "Silence!" Chiron boomed across the crowd, "I have no started in the matter, the appointed campers will be going on the quest without question."

I wove my way away from the pavilion before an Ares camper could beat me to a bloody pulp.

I met up with the other selected campers after our backpacks were packed. "Isn't this awesome!" Piper shouted enthusiastically. All I could do was smile weakly.

Going on a quest meant you got a chance to prove yourself. A chance to move up on the social ladder. But something about it just seemed wrong.

Not to mention I'll be stuck with the psycho siblings for the duration of our life threatening trip.

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