Jason Grace Gets Blackmailed

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Percy had everyone up and out of he house as early as possible. It was kind of cute.....shut up self. This kind of thing never lasts.

We had a day to explore Athens and we decided to make the best of it. Leo, Percy, and Nico wandered off to mess with people, Frank and Hazel decided to go exploring together, and I was dragged off by a trio of crazed girls.

"Come on Jason! We're going shopping!" Piper said grabbing my arm. "What?! No way!" I yelled, and she gave me a devilish smirk, "if I let go of Annabeth's hand your arm will burn to a crisp"

I gulped and Thalia pushed my back as we walked, guaranteeing no escape.

At first all I had to do was stand around as the girls shopped and give opinions.

"Thalia, you look like a bird" I told my sister as she posed for me in a purple dress with frilly net fabric on the shoulders and belt line. "Perfect" she said and left to change.

Then things got worse. Piper, Thalia, and Annabeth pulled me into a completely different store and handed me a pile of clothes. "What are these for?" I asked and all three girls gave me a cheeky grin.

"Wait...no way! I'm not getting dressed up" I told them sternly, shoving the clothes at Thalia.

She pouted "are you suuuuure? I might just let it slip that you were totally hitting on Percy when you saw him dance" she said making kissy faces. "Thalia!" I hissed sharply, "Oh, do tell" Piper said leaning in while Annabeth simply nodded.

"Fine!" I exclaimed, grabbing the clothes "I it means you'll get off my case, I put on your stupid clothes!"

I marched into the dressing room. This is blackmail. I pulled out something red and gasped. "Thalia!" I screeched "why is there a dress in here?!?!" I'm not putting this on!" "Yes you are!" She shouted through the door "or I'll also tell Hazel and Frank about your crush! Not to mention Nico would ki-" I cut her off with a frustrated grunt and put on the dress.

They insisted on taking a picture of me to commemorate my humiliation.

"Can I be done now?" I asked "Yep" Thalia said, still grinning. "But...?" I prompted, "But I'm sending it to Percy!!" She yelled and ran off with my phone. I unsuccessfully chased her around the store in my dress as she typed out the message.

I took a leap of faith and tackled her to the ground. As we struggled for the phone Thalia managed to hit send. Horrified, I grabbed my phone to see what she had texted Percy.

 Horrified, I grabbed my phone to see what she had texted Percy

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Honey I'm a man, but damn I look good in a dress

InHuman~Jercy ffWhere stories live. Discover now