Jason Grace and the Rescue Mission

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The moment I awoke I became immediately aware of a harsh shaking. "Stop, you'll brake him!" I heard Hazel shout, the shaking stopped.

I reached up and grabbed Thalia's wrists and pulled her hands off of my shoulders. Reality hit me like a bullet train and I shot to my feet, almost dislocating my hip in the process. "Percy!" I shouted and Piper shot up as well, leaping our of Annabeth's grasp yelling "where is he?!" and singeing my arms before her​ girlfriend managed to grab her.

"I don't-" I began, "who still has their ability?". Nico, Thalia, Annabeth, and Piper raised their hands. Leo was a swordsman, he never really has an ability to begin with.

"So we have fire, ice, weeds, and a feather brain" I mused out loud. I was promptly slapped on the back after the head by both Nick and Thalia.

"How are we supposed to find Percy in the first place?" Hazel asked. A look of uncertainty was passed around the group. "Look!" Nico announced, pointing to the ground. A visible trail had been made along the forest floor where Percy had been carelessly dragged.

Nico, Piper, Thalia, Annabeth, and I shared a rare moment of mutual agreement before simultaneously sprinting off, leaving the Leo, Frank, and Hazel in our wake.

"Hey!" a high pitched voice yelped from behind us, but the four of us were long gone, "You guys cover me while I get Percy!" I instructed as we ran along the trail. "If you screw up I will personally strangle you to death and hide your body in Grover's garden" Nico hissed at me. "Nice to know", I replied.

Immersed in our awkward conversation Nico and I didn't realize that we should have stopped running until we barreled right into a hole.

Annabeth and Piper burst with laughter as they looked down at us. Thalia began snorting and only fueled her own laughter as she failed to hide it.

"Shut up!" Nico yelled and a tree branch smacked all of them, sending the three of them cascading down into our humble pit.

The the hole extended into a hallway in the darkness and the five of us slowly stumbled through the passageway. Eventually the passage became a flight of stairs leading up into a grey, concrete building. Metal doorways​ lined the walls of the first room.

We crept forward apprehensively. When we reached the center of the room Thalia said "hey, does anyone else hear gears moving?" Right before the floor beneath us gave way, dropping us into the center of a large room.

We were greeted by a circle of menacing glares looking down at us.


I spun, desperately searching for the voice, calling back "Percy!".

"Looking for this?" A blonde man with a smug grin called and stepped to his right to reveal the boy I loved in what looked like a straight jacket on the ground. "These are the gods! Get the box!" Percy shouted "Shut up!" A burly man barked and kneed Percy in the head.

All it took was move and a full blown battle had begun between us and the so-called gods.

As we had planned Thalia, Annabeth, Piper, and Nico stormed forward slashing, burning, freezing, and biting anyone they could get their hands on.

I rushed forward through the chaos, straight towards Percy. A pair of calloused hands grabbed my shoulders.

"I don't think we've been properly introduced, I'm Ares" the man who kicked Percy said, before throwing me against a wall. His filthy hand wrapped around my throat. "Stop!" Percy pleaded, the blond man from before stepped forward.

"Zeus you coward! Bastard! Criminal!" Percy shouted at the blond man as Ares dropped me to the ground. I went into a coughing fit on he cold floor.

"All you have to do is cooperate" Zeus told him. Only then did I realize that the fighting had stopped.

Annabeth, Piper, Thalia, and Nico were being held at the gods' mercy.

"Come on" Zeus prompted. "Join us and all your comrades will go free, all you have to do is take the bind your power to this harmless little trinket" he said presenting the cursed box.

Percy stared up at him, blankly. "Ares, I think young Perseus needs some encouragement" Ares placed his gigantic foot on my chest and began to push down. I cried out as the pressure on my ribs increased. "I'll do it, just stop!" Percy shouted.

"No" I wheezed and Annabeth burst into tears.

"Perfect!" Zeus announced and pulled out a knife. He brought the knife to Percy's skin and let a few drops of his blood fall on the turquoise box.

"Percy, do you bind your power to this vessel?" Zeus asked. "Yes" he replied.

"Now, let my friends go!" He yelled. Zeus smiled and handed the box to a girl with braided silver hair, "so gullible".

We screamed out as the gods began dragging us away, but one voice topped them all.


All eyes turned to Percy. His face was pale, eyes were screwed shut, and he was letting out a scream that almost sounded like a blizzard. All other sound was drowned out, but the look on Zeus's face meant that it wasn't part of the plan.

Rage and sorrow was stabbed into the hearts if everyone in traffic room and Percy began pulling against his restraints.

Then Percy stopped screaming, but a rumbling growl was still coming from Percy's small body.

The sound no longer affected people but every inanimate object began to weaken.

Percy's chains shattered and he easily ripped the straight jacket. I reached out to grab a stone on the wall only to have it begin cracking in my grasp.

Thalia, Annabeth, Piper, and Nico broke free from their captors and rushed to the hallway.

I gritted my teeth and kicked Ares where the sun don't shine. Percy grabbed my hand and we jumped for the hallway as the whole room, the gods, and the box crumbled and fell into the dark pit below.

"I hope they fall to hell" Percy breathed. "What about your ability being bound to the box?" I asked and he smiled. "Zeus never got to use it, nor will anyone else. It's hard to use something that's crumbled into Oblivion."

I leaned down and gently kissed him, Percy gladly accepted.

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